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Tilitonse Thematic Call Application and Submission process Fannie Nthakomwa December 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Tilitonse Thematic Call Application and Submission process Fannie Nthakomwa December 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tilitonse Thematic Call Application and Submission process Fannie Nthakomwa December 2015

2 Eligibility Whilst all CSOs eligible, each theme has own eligibility criteria. But basis requirements to be met be registered within Malawi; NGO Board registration is mandatory. International organisations must be registered both in Malawi and in their ‘home’ country with demonstrated well-founded partnerships to local CSOs;  MOUs between INGO and Local CSOs will be required Have a governing or management board with a clear corporate governance structure; Potential grantees must be able to supply three years’ of audited accounts (or one year audited accounts for newly-formed organisations) – only shortlisted applicants)

3 duration Project Duration Period of 16 months beginning March 2016. Grant Amounts Realism of budgets – cost drivers The size and amount will be based on the proposed strategies and intervention, Results expected to be achieved Findings of the due diligence appraisal to be undertaken following short listing of applicants.

4 © Tilitonse 2012 © Tilitonse 2013 Cont’d Application forms, guidelines and evaluation form can be accessed from website Proposal submitted must include Proposal cover sheet Completed application form Results framework Budget and budget notes Cash flow Implementation plan Also include; copy of registration certificate, organizational structure and list of Board members with contact details. constitution/articles of association/trust deed – to be requested from shortlisted applicants

5 Cont’d Complete application package to be submitted by 12 noon, 7 th January 2016 with subject line clearly indicated thematic area interested in e.g. “submission of proposals for urban governance thematic call” Electronically to (recommended) Hard copy include a virus free CD-ROM with electronic version – only between 4 th – 7 th January 2016 Submission after deadline, will be rejected Electronic submissions will receive automated response Hand delivery, bring mail delivery book for signing acknowledging receipt.

6 © Tilitonse 2012 Cont’d Naming of submitted files for Elect Filing System Important to write organization name e.g. Application form_your org name_7 th Jan 16. Review of proposals expected week beginning 11 th January 2016 Administrative check – non compliance to requirements, application will not be assessed Technical evaluation – based on evaluation criteria provided Communication /Notification only to shortlisted applicants expected between 8 th – 19 th February 2016 Due diligence to be conducted same period Final Award of grants week 22 nd February to 4 th March 2016 To publish list of grantees and summaries of their projects in newspaper, website

7 Information and Seeking Clarification Point of contact for existing and potential grantees Email: Tel: 01770898; Cell 0997952702 Queries should be submitted no later than 5 days to submission deadline Only procedural queries permitted, technical are not Secretariat is situated in Kang’ombe House, City centre, Lilongwe, 7 th floor, west wing.

8 Thank You!

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