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1 ST QUARTER POWER-UPS English 11. Day 1 – 9/9 Copy the quote to the right, then answer the following question in complete sentences. What does this quote.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ST QUARTER POWER-UPS English 11. Day 1 – 9/9 Copy the quote to the right, then answer the following question in complete sentences. What does this quote."— Presentation transcript:


2 Day 1 – 9/9 Copy the quote to the right, then answer the following question in complete sentences. What does this quote mean to you? Power-Up! Label binders & journals with 2 labels, block # on left, 1 st initial & last name on right

3 Day 2 – 9/11 Analyze the cartoon to the right, then answer the following questions. 1.What connection is the artist making between the two prisoners? 2.What does the cartoon imply about consequences? Power-Up! Label binders & journals with 2 labels, block # on left, 1 st initial & last name on right

4 Day 3 – 9/15 Answer the following questions in complete sentences.  What are two reasons people moved to the American colonies (long ago)?  What are two reasons you might move to another state or country? Power-Up! Label binders & journals with 2 labels, block # on left, 1 st initial & last name on right

5 Answer the following questions in complete sentences.  Who were the Puritans and what did they believe about human nature?  Do you agree with their beliefs? Why or why not? Day 4 – 9/17 Power-Up! Label binders & journals with 2 labels, block # on left, 1 st initial & last name on right

6 Identify a time in your life where you lost something/someone that meant a lot to you? In your journal, answer these questions:  Who/What did you lose?  How did it make you feel?  What thoughts went through your mind?  What did you do to cope? Day 5 – 9/19 Power-Up! Label binders & journals with 2 labels, block # on left, 1 st initial & last name on right

7 Choose 1 of the following topics to write about in a 1 paragraph response. Write about a time when you… Betrayed someone you were close to. Someone betrayed your trust. Were accused of something you didn’t do. (Hints: What happened? How did you feel? What were the consequences/outcomes?) Day 6 – 9/25 Power-Up! Label binders & journals with 2 labels, block # on left, 1 st initial & last name on right

8 Choose 1 of the following topics to write about in a 1 paragraph response. Write about a time when you… Pretended to be someone you are not. Lied about something to stay out of trouble. Lost faith in someone or something you once believed in. (Hints: What happened? How did you feel? What were the consequences/outcomes?) Day 7 – 9/29 Power-Up!

9 Discuss the motivations of one of the following characters we have met thus far in the play: Parris, Putnam, or Abigail. How did their actions lead to witch hunts? (Hints: What does the character believe? What does he/she want? What does he/she like? What does he/she hate? How does he/she act towards other people? Day 8 – 10/1 Power-Up!

10 Answer the following questions 1.How does Abigail feel about John Proctor? How does he feel about her? 2.Why is Thomas Putnam so angry/vengeful? 3.Why would Tituba confess to conjuring the Devel? Day 9– 10/3 Power-Up!

11 Copy the following quote into your journal, then answer the questions that follow. “The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.” – William Penn 1.What does this mean to you? 2.How does the quote relate to a character(s) in The Crucible? Dig deep, make connections! Day 10 – 10/7 Power-Up!

12 The Crucible: What do you think caused people to start pointing fingers at the neighbors and accusing them of Witchcraft? What has happened to this community to cause them to react in such a way? Discuss your opinion in a two paragraph response using the text to support your opinion. Try to use at least two vocabulary words from this quarter in your response. Day 11 – 10/9 Power-Up!

13 Copy the following quote into your journal, then answer the question that follows. “You can only watch injustice go on for so long until you're compelled to say something. To speak out against it.” – Macklemore. What does this quote mean to you? Day 12 – 10/13 Power-Up!

14 Match the following characters to their descriptions. 1.Old man who is crushed with stones 2.Comes to Salem to help with the witch problem 3.Uses the witch trials to carry out personal vengeance 4.Minister who feels there is a conspiracy against him 5.Tolerates no challenge to his authority Day 13 – 10/17 Power-Up! A.Rev. Hale B.Judge Danforth C.Mr. Corey D.Rev. Parris E.Thomas Putnam C A E D B

15 Convincing somebody that a person is guilty takes persuasive skills! It happens ALL the time in Crucible… but proving someone’s innocence takes persuasive mastery. Pick 1 of the accused characters from Crucible. In a short paragraph, prove he/she is innocent of witchery & should NOT be hanged to death. (Hint: Think about what they have done/not done, kind of a person they are, who did the accusing, etc.) Day 14 – 10/21 Power-Up!

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