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Developing an app Young EUROSAI Conference Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing an app Young EUROSAI Conference Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing an app Young EUROSAI Conference Workshop

2 2 Agenda Goal of workshop Proces for developing an app Advice for a useable apps Outline of workshop process Sum up proces

3 Goal of workshop 3 The goal is rather: To discuss what could make a SAI app interesting Make national SAI leadership able to take informed decision about whether to develop an app  To decide what to create  Find the building blocks for the ultimate SAI app The goal is not: To decide is SAIs should have an app To have general discussions about how SAIs communicate Discuss technical issues of app creation  To decide how to create it  To actually build the app

4 Proces for developing an app 4

5 Advice for a useable app Decide on a target group Journalists Citizens SAI employees Decide goals for app Solve problem Deliver functiona- bility Find tools to realise goal Make it simple Make content shareable Make it ”pushy” 5

6 Outline of workshop proces – brainstorming phase 6

7 Outline of workshop proces – voting phase 7

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