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Surviving AP Language A guide to sleep, sanity and making it through your junior year.

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Presentation on theme: "Surviving AP Language A guide to sleep, sanity and making it through your junior year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surviving AP Language A guide to sleep, sanity and making it through your junior year.

2 What am I getting myself into?  Weekly Language Terms lists -fallacies, parallelism, lots of grammar and sentence structure, obscure language terms  Challenging multiple choice tests to follow lists  Reading, reading, and more reading (American Literature and non-fiction pieces)  Writing, writing and more writing (we’ll get to this later)  Participation- class discussions, small group discussions

3 The AP Test- Friday, May 9  Argument essay (40 minutes)- we start with this essay  Rhetorical analysis essay (40 minutes)- we’ll begin working with this essay later this fall  Synthesis essay (40 minutes)- we’ll work through the synthesis essay in December and January  Multiple choice (55 minutes)- we’ll hit this up weekly, don’t let it frustrate you  15 minutes of reading time at the start of the test

4 Survival Tips  Quit caring about your grade and start caring about what you are actually learning.  You might have to study! -Use Quizlet, make flashcards, make some study buddies o Should you choose to procrastinate, do not blame it on me or anyone else. Be honest with yourself about your habits. o Be ok with being wrong. o Advocate for yourself but don’t be a grade-whore. o Be sure you’re taking this class because YOU want to.

5 General Policies  Late work will be lowered one letter grade, regardless of how cool, creative or dramatic the excuse. If you had some legit drama, have your parents email me.  Have a question about an answer on a multiple choice test? Disagree with the answer? Be aware, tests require you to choose the best answer, right answers will always be provided but there is also a BEST answer. Should you still disagree, submit your rationale in writing in your metacog log (see more later) and I will consider credit. Whine? You will only entertain me.  I’m ok with technology as long as you ask for permission to have it out. Should I find you Snap Chatting about your AP Chem test or who looks ugly today, I will take your ever-so-useful technology. Should I find you using it to cheat, you will have you hands chopped off.  Communicate with me.

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