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WHAT IS WIN?. Why use WIN  It prepares you for the WorkKeys portion of the Michigan Merit Exam (MME)  Fulfills 4 th related math credit for BMA  90%

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS WIN?. Why use WIN  It prepares you for the WorkKeys portion of the Michigan Merit Exam (MME)  Fulfills 4 th related math credit for BMA  90%"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why use WIN  It prepares you for the WorkKeys portion of the Michigan Merit Exam (MME)  Fulfills 4 th related math credit for BMA  90% of students score the same on WorkKeys as they do in WIN Students must use it 30 minutes each week!

3 How does WIN work?  Must pass each test with at least 80% accuracy  80% accuracy would be 4 out 5 questions  Take the time to read all parts of the question before answering

4 How to take first test?  Once you log in you will be asked to take the first test.  You must pass the first test with 80% to move to the next test.  This program does not allow you to start over, so please take your time and be serious about completing it!

5 First Test  Take your time and do the best you can!  If you pass one test, it will take you to the next test. There are seven tests total.  If you don’t pass the test, you will have to work your way through all the exercises before being allowed to take the test again.

6 Pace Yourself..  You must complete as much as you can the first day. Once you quit for the day, the program will place you at the level you stop at.  There are no second chances in this program to retest! So take your time.  It is better to take the time and really read the question before answering because once you fall below 80% you will be stuck at that level.

7 How to Log Out  Each time you finish use the quit option in the lower right corner  Don’t close internet browser by clicking the red X in top right corner.  If you click the red X you will lose all the time you earned that day  Once again - Click Quit not X

8 How to Log In - Resume not Restart  Hit the Resume button NOT the Restart Button  Resume starts you where you left off last time  Restart takes you all the way back to the beginning

9 First Time  First time is for testing purposes only.  Placement tests can only be done on the first day during the first session.  Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

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