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China: Opportunity or Challenge FELABAN 2012 Lima, Perú.

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Presentation on theme: "China: Opportunity or Challenge FELABAN 2012 Lima, Perú."— Presentation transcript:

1 China: Opportunity or Challenge FELABAN 2012 Lima, Perú

2 China and Latin America From being an ocean apart to become first trading partner. If there is one country to which there is no deoupling today, that is China. China growth has many faces for the region. – Demand for commodities – Demand linked of having wealthier consumers – Supply of high tech products at more competitive costs

3 NO decoupling between Latin America and China Tomado de Lederman, Olearraga, and Perry (2009)

4 The doubts How many years more will China growth will last? China is going to be soon (again) the first economy in the world, but it is going to behave like that? Is the region ready to seize the opportunity and avoid the middle income trap?

5 China could grow a couple of decades more…

6 Thanks China, solid growth in terms of trade

7 Many have written in the last 5 years about the issue

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