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Cwricwlwm Cymwyseddau a Sgiliau Blwyddyn 7 Year 7 Competency and Skills Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Cwricwlwm Cymwyseddau a Sgiliau Blwyddyn 7 Year 7 Competency and Skills Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cwricwlwm Cymwyseddau a Sgiliau Blwyddyn 7 Year 7 Competency and Skills Curriculum

2 Pam? Beth? Sut? Beth a ble nesaf? Why? What? How? What and where next?

3 1. Work independently 2. Organise your time 3. The ability to work with others and to make good and productive working relationships 4. Perseverance with all tasks and initiatives 5. Personal motivation 6. Personal confidence – to make suggestion and develop initiatives 7. Manage Conflict 8. Know the kind of skills you have and which skills you need to develop

4 Nodweddion dysgwyr da Characteristics of good learners

5 Oes angen 3 blynedd i ddysgu CA3? Cynnwys v Sgiliau Do we need 3 years to teach KS3? Content v Skills

6 ESTYN: Transforming Schools The main issue in key stage 3 (for 11-14 year olds) is that curriculum delivery is fragmented into segments of discrete subject-based study, all taught by different teachers who have only limited contact time with classes and therefore get to know their pupils and their learning needs far less well

7 WAG Circular 30/2006: Guidance on the preparation of Key stage 2 to Key Stage 3 Transition Plans: 3.15 Several schools have already, or are planning to,change the curriculum in Yr7 so that pupils meet fewer teachers. Schools that have already introduced this change see benefits in pupils’ improved behaviour, attitudes to work and standards of achievement.’

8 Dysgwyr gwell? Ffocws glir ar sgiliau a chymwyseddau Yr amgylchfyd dysgu yn fwy tebyg i flwyddyn 6 6/8 athro yn lle 14 Cyfnodau dysgu yn fwy nag awr Rhaglen Dysgu i ddysgu Better Learners? Clear focus on skills and competency development A Learning environment similar to year 6 6/8 teachers instead of 14 Longer periods of working Learning2learn programme

9 Dysgu i Lwyddo Learning to Succeed

10 Deall dysgu/Dysgu i ddysgu Learning to learn Dinasyddiaeth Citizenship Trin Gwybodaeth Handling Information Cydweithio Working with Others Rheoli Sefyllfa Managing Situations

11 40%Modiwlau Dysgu Integredig 4 sesiwn y pythefnos – 2 fore, 2 brynhawn 2 athro 2 fodiwl bob hanner tymor 60%Cwricwlwm Arferol Gwersi 1 awr 4/6 athro Pynciau Craidd(4),Iechyd Da(4), Technoleg(4),Perfformio(2),Iaith Dramor(4)

12 40%Integrated Learning Modules 4 sessions per fortnight – 2 mornings,2 afternoons 2 teachers 2 modules each half term 60%Cwricwlwm Arferol 1 hour lessons 4/6 teachers Core subje cts(4), Good Health(4) Technology(4),performing(2),MFL(4)

13 Dysgu i ddysgu Smartiaid,Prosesau Meddwl,Gwaith Tim Bywyd Ysgol G,P,D Arwyr Menter a Busnes Cha ching Siocled Dathliadau Crefyddol,byd eang Gemau Olympaidd Antur Arloeswyr Anturiaethwyr Ffordd o Fyw Iechyd a ffitrwydd Y Gymuned

14 Learning to learn Smarts, Thinking Processes,Team work Life School P,P,F Heroes Business and Enterprise Cha ching Chocolate Celebrations World wide, religious Olympic Games Adventure Pioneers Adventurers Lifestyles Health Community

15 Cymraeg,mathemateg,dinasyddiaeth,TG,ABC h,Gyrfaoedd,Busnes,Cymdeithaseg,Addysg Grefyddol Welsh,mathematics,citizenship,ICT,PSE,Careers, Business,Sociology,Religious Education Cymraeg,Saesneg,mathemateg,gwyddoniaeth, DT, Cerdd,Celf,dinasyddiaeth,daearyddiaeth,hanes Welsh,English,mathematics,science,DT,Music,Art, citizenship,geography,history Menter a Busnes £$£$£$£$ Antur


17 Chwefror 2007 - Ymweld ag ysgol John Cabot Bryste – ymchwilio i raglen ‘Opening Minds’ RSA Ebrill 2007 – Ffurfio’r tim Mai – Gorffennaf – HMS Dechrau creu’r unedau Noson Rhieni blwyddyn6 Medi 2007 - cychwyn February – visit to John Cabot school Bristol- researching ‘Opening Minds RSA’ April 2007 – Set up of team May – July – INSET Creation of modules Year 6 parents evening September 2007 launch

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