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Presentation on theme: " Rewiring Public Services Autumn 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rewiring Public Services Autumn 2013

2 Introduction Launched in July at LGA conference after six month consultation with colleagues across the sector. So far we have launched a number of materials setting out the propositions of the campaign. Strong presence of campaign in media and in parliament.

3 The reality of austerity The LGA Funding Outlook 2013 £15.6bn budget gap by 2019/20 (post settlement consultation) £2.2bn average increase in gap per year But £2.9bn gap in 2015/16 43% reduction in Government grants (2010/11 - 2015/16) Although this might be optimistic!

4 The reality of austerity The LGA Funding Outlook 2013

5 Objectives Rejuvenate democracy and give back to people real reasons to participate in civic life and their communities. Transform public services so they prevent problems instead of just picking up the pieces Boost economic growth in a way that offers prosperity to every place.

6 How? Influence the manifesto formulation process so that whoever takes office after 2015 election adopts Rewiring propositions. Build a cast iron case for why Rewiring will work. Constant conversation with LGA members about how to make the propositions work in reality. Range of activities promoting the work of Rewiring to local and central government, media and voters.

7 Ten key demands 1.Local Treasury 2.Devolution and whole place budgets 3.Creation of England Office 4.Replacement of Barnett formula 5.Local government led redistribution 6.Reform of ministerial powers to intervene 7.Reformed inspection: consumer champions 8.Municipal bonds agency 9.Funding settlement linked to life of parliament 10.Constitutionally embedded local government

8 How you can get involved Find out more at Take one of our postcards Hold a full council debate - download our toolkit Attend our autumn roadshows Tell us what you think!

9 Further information and contacts For more information, go to our website at: Email: Phone: Laurence Meehan, Head of Campaigns and External Communications on 020 7664 3127

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