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T-Shirt Design How creative are you?. Steps to Designing Your Own Shirt Step 1: Come up with an idea. Your idea could be an illustration or a slogan.

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Presentation on theme: "T-Shirt Design How creative are you?. Steps to Designing Your Own Shirt Step 1: Come up with an idea. Your idea could be an illustration or a slogan."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-Shirt Design How creative are you?

2 Steps to Designing Your Own Shirt Step 1: Come up with an idea. Your idea could be an illustration or a slogan. Step 2: Complete some thumbnail sketch ideas of your design, until you come up with one you like. Step 3: Create a final drawing of your artwork that you can scan to use or use as a template to trace over. Step 4: Create your design in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. Step 5: Save your original file. Step 6: Put your design on an actual t-shirt. Step 7: Create presentation files of your artwork. Step 8: Get feedback on your design. Step 9: Revise your artwork based on the feedback.

3 Step 1 Come up with an idea. For this lesson you already came up with your idea for your t-shirt design in the previous lesson. In your notes write down the idea for your final t-shirt design.

4 Step 2 You know have an idea. Now you will create thumbnail sketches of different ways that design might look on a shirt. In your notes please complete four thumbnail sketches of design ideas for your t-shirts.

5 Step 3 Create a final drawing of your artwork that you can scan to use or use as a template to trace over. Sketch your final design in your packet. Remember to use ink or black marker that will scan well. In your note packet you have a large shirt where you will complete the final drawing.

6 Step 4 Create your design in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. Your design must be: A minimum of 150 dpi at the size it will be printed No more than 8 spot colors No larger than 15" x 20" You will need to choose which program will work better for your design.

7 Step 5 Save your original file! This is the artwork file you will use later to separate and prepare for printing.

8 Step 6 You can either choose a template of a t- shirt in Illustrator or Photoshop. They are available at at: mission-kit/ An important part of designing is presenting your work. You need to show your client how the work would look on the t- shirt. In this step you choose a template of a t-shirt in Illustrator or Photoshop. They are available at at: m/wittlebee/submission- kit/


10 Step 7 To make your design even better think about how you can creatively present your shirts likes the one you saw in the earlier presentation. If you were to submit your designs at a site like they would ask you to submit two other images of your design besides the one on the shirt. Some options would be: 1.A close up of part or all of the design. 2.A picture of a model wearing the t-shirt. 3.The t-shirt on different canvases or backgrounds.


12 Step 8 Get feedback on your design. If you go to you can actually evaluate designs that have been submitted. It is important to get feedback on your design. That feedback can be used to improve your design, so it will sale better. When you have completed your lesson in class you will submit the three images you created of your design to to get feedback from fellow class mates. You will also give feedback on three designs from other students posted on Edmodo.

13 Step 9 Based on the feedback you received you will revise your design and turn it in.

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