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Welcome / Croeso. Discovery Interviews Day Two Discovery Interviews Facilitators: Learning from patient and carer experiences Jane Price & Ian Govier.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome / Croeso. Discovery Interviews Day Two Discovery Interviews Facilitators: Learning from patient and carer experiences Jane Price & Ian Govier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome / Croeso

2 Discovery Interviews Day Two

3 Discovery Interviews Facilitators: Learning from patient and carer experiences Jane Price & Ian Govier

4 When I was a child I wanted to….When I was a child I wanted to…. I came into the health service because:I came into the health service because: If I wasn’t working in my current position, I’d like to:If I wasn’t working in my current position, I’d like to: When I retire, I plan to:When I retire, I plan to:

5 Establishing & Building Rapport & Communication

6 Rapport Rapport is the quality of harmony, recognition and mutual acceptance that exists between people when they are at ease with one another and where communication is occurring easily.

7 Communication Influence 38% Tone of voice 7% Spoken Words 55% Body Language

8 Using Rapport to Improve Communication Matching Body Language Matching Voice Matching Words

9 Rapport Matching Body Language Matching Body Language

10 Matching Body Language Body attitudeBody attitude Body postureBody posture GesturesGestures Speed of movementSpeed of movement Facial expressionFacial expression Eye contactEye contact

11 Rapport Matching Body Language Matching Body Language Group Exercise

12 Rapport Matching Voice

13 VolumeVolume SpeedSpeed PitchPitch ToneTone

14 Rapport Matching Words

15 If a person calls it a ‘spade’, we need to call it a ‘spade’ and not a shovel!

16 Listening to each other GW

17 Time for a Break

18 2 Truths & a Lie!

19 Interview Techniques: How NOT to do it – Peter &Jane HOW to do it – Peter & Ian

20 Open or Closed?

21 SIX HONEST SERVING MEN I keep six honest serving men They taught me all I knew; Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. Open Questions What? Why? When? How? Where? Who?

22 Now it’s your turn!

23 Helpful Hints Get permissionGet permission Explain what you are going to doExplain what you are going to do Make every effort to use open questionsMake every effort to use open questions Be an active listenerBe an active listener Check if you are unclearCheck if you are unclear Keep an eye on the timeKeep an eye on the time Close the interviewClose the interview

24 Lunch Time


26 Time for a Break

27 Stuff Happens… Feedback from questions raised on Day One

28 Discovery Interviews Facilitators: Learning from patient and carer experiences Jane Price & Ian Govier

29 Final Thoughts Final Thoughts

30 What am I going to do differently after today?

31 The ‘Trim Tab’ effect

32 ‘Trim Tab’ HMS Healthcare


34 When people who are not used to speaking are heard by people who are not used to listening, then real change occurs.

35 The ‘last word’ from Bob Bob

36 Thank You Diolch Discovery Interviews Facilitators: Learning from patient and carer experiences Jane Price & Ian Govier

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