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Copyright © 2011, Oxford University Press, Inc. Converging Media A New Introduction to Mass Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2011, Oxford University Press, Inc. Converging Media A New Introduction to Mass Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2011, Oxford University Press, Inc. Converging Media A New Introduction to Mass Communication

2 Chapter 7 Networks and Digital Distribution Copyright © 2011, Oxford University Press, Inc. Converging Media A New Introduction to Mass Communication

3 Introduction WELCOME TO MY HOME PAGE !!!!!!!!! I KISS YOU !!!!!

4 Introduction Networked computers have shifted control away from centralized authorities … and toward the rest of us

5 Digital Distribution Shift from unidirectional model Shift to public, multidirectional system

6 Historical Influences Time-space compression Time-space compression Speed of communication: Speed of communication: — Transportation — Telegraph — Telephone

7 Historical Influences Government (postal system) Government (postal system) Private industry (telegraph) Private industry (telegraph)

8 Evolving Technology Telegraphy Telegraphy Facsimile (fax) Facsimile (fax) Telephony Telephony

9 Evolving Technology Wireless Wireless Satellites Satellites

10 Evolving Technology Fiber optics Fiber optics — Optical telegraph — Bell’s Photophone — Expensive to deliver to all homes - FiOS

11 History of Internet and WWW DARPA creates Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPAnet) DARPA creates Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPAnet) Internet protocol Internet protocol WWW WWW

12 History of Internet and WWW GUI GUI Mosaic, then Netscape Mosaic, then Netscape Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Firefox Firefox Chrome Chrome

13 Internet Today Decrease in cost of software and hardware Decrease in cost of software and hardware Increasing trend for rising cost of services Increasing trend for rising cost of services

14 Internet Today Increasingly intrusive advertising Increasingly intrusive advertising Net neutrality Net neutrality Bandwidth Bandwidth Broadband Broadband

15 The Nature of Networks Sarnoff’s Law Sarnoff’s Law Metcalfe’s Law Metcalfe’s Law Reed’s Law Reed’s Law

16 Networks: Key Concepts Modem Modem Peer-to-peer (P2P) Peer-to-peer (P2P) Client/server model Client/server model

17 Networks: Key Concepts Wireless networks Wireless networks Connectivity Connectivity Quality of service Quality of service

18 Characteristics of Digital Distribution Distributing bits Distributing bits Low distribution costs Low distribution costs Perfect infinite copies Perfect infinite copies Instantaneous distribution Instantaneous distribution New distribution dynamics New distribution dynamics Audience as distributor Audience as distributor

19 File-Sharing Services P2P networks P2P networks Napster Napster Decentralized file- sharing services Decentralized file- sharing services Open source Open source

20 File Sharing Services Gnutella Gnutella Freenet Freenet Jabber Jabber BitTorrent BitTorrent — Swarming

21 New Distribution Technologies Legal issues Fair compensation Fair compensation Watermarks Watermarks “Publishing” “Publishing” Libel Libel

22 New Distribution Technologies Ethical issues Public humiliation Public humiliation Invasion of privacy Invasion of privacy “Right to know” “Right to know”

23 New Distribution Technologies Social issues Global village Global village Tribal existence Tribal existence Online attacks Online attacks Unwanted receipt of messages Unwanted receipt of messages

24 Discussion Questions Chapter 7 Copyright © 2011, Oxford University Press, Inc. Converging Media A New Introduction to Mass Communication

25 Discussion Questions Have you ever mass- forwarded something? What was it? What were the consequences for the people involved — and the recipients?

26 Discussion Questions How do you think the telecommunication landscape might be different if the U.S. had supported a nationwide telegraph system, instead of relying on private industry to do so?

27 Discussion Questions What industries could benefit from the rapid dissemination of information? How and why?

28 Discussion Questions How could our common methods of online communication be improved?

29 Discussion Questions What are the social, political, and economic ramifications of such anonymous free information services as Freenet?

30 Discussion Questions How could the digital divide be reduced?

31 Discussion Questions Some cities have used taxpayer dollars to offer wireless Internet access to everyone. Is that a good idea, or a bad one? Why?

32 Discussion Questions Is “Net Neutrality” the right approach, or should companies be allowed to make the net faster for some users than for others? Why?

33 Chapter 7 Networks and Digital Distribution Copyright © 2011, Oxford University Press, Inc. Converging Media A New Introduction to Mass Communication

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