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Working with Tournament Organizers John Papadakis, L1 Judge.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Tournament Organizers John Papadakis, L1 Judge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Tournament Organizers John Papadakis, L1 Judge

2 Outline Roles and responsibilities Regular Tournaments Competitive Tournaments Popular Issues Conclusion

3 Tournament Organizer:  Physical requirements of the tournament  Sanction and advertise tournaments  Staff the tournaments  Provide prizes and compensations Roles and Responsibilities

4 Judge: Registration, Pairings, Scorekeeping Be available to answer questions Deal with illegal plays, assist with requests

5 Regular Tournaments Loose roles Judge and T.O. can also play in the tournament

6 Competitive Tournaments Roles of each must be separate and definite Head Judge has priority over T.O.’s requests

7 Popular Issues Compensation Penalty Overrule Judges not invited to tournaments

8 Compensation  Prove yourself worthy, gain their trust  Can be travel expenses, store credits, single cards  Consult with your Regional Coordinator

9 Penalty Overrule How to avoid it  Be proactive  Don’t deviate from IPG How to deal with it  Talk with the T.O. in private, use customer related terms  Explain the IPG

10 Judges not invited to tournaments Consult your local level 3 or your R.C Work with other T.O.’s to build a reputation Talk with the T.O. Tournament reports can help

11 Conclusion Keep a balanced relationship, we need them as much as they need us!

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