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Introduction to LaTeX A Mathematical typesetting system.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to LaTeX A Mathematical typesetting system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to LaTeX A Mathematical typesetting system

2 The “Required” Elements All LaTeX documents must include the following parts: \documentclass[12pt]{article}\begin{document}\end{document} The very last line! The BODY of the document goes here The “PREAMBLE” goes here The very first line!

3 “Environments” LaTeX code is set up with “environments.” Everything is enclosed in the “document” environment. \begin{document}\end{document} The document environment

4 “Environments” You enter and leave most environments with beginning and ending commands of the form \begin{environmentname} \end{environmentname} The code/text goes here

5 Some Formatting environments \begin{center}... \end{center} Numbered lists \begin{enumerate}\item\item\end{enumerate} The second item in the numbered list goes here The first item in the numbered list goes here

6 More on enumeration If you want “sub-headings,” nest the lists \begin{enumerate}\item\begin{enumerate}\item\item\end{enumerate}\item\end{enumerate} The second item in the sub-list goes here The first item in the sub-list goes here

7 More on lists If you want “bulleted” lists, you use the same format as for numbered lists with \begin{itemize}\item\begin{itemize}\item\item\end{itemize}\item\end{itemize}

8 More on lists If you want to designate the “headings” for the lists, you use the description environment \begin{description} \item[Case i.] \item[Case ii.] \end{description} The text for Case ii. goes here The text for Case i. goes here

9 Typesetting Mathematics There are two main math environments In-line math mode. This is for equations that occur in the same line as narrative. You enter and leave in-line math mode with dollar signs. Ex: $f(x)=x^{3-x}$ Displayed math. Several entry/exit choices –\begin{displaymath}... \end{displaymath} –$$... $$ –\[... \]

10 Some Miscellaneous Expressions “Normal” text How many subsets does have? LaTeX code How many subsets does $\emptyset$ have? Notice the use of the backslash ( \ ). This is your message to LaTeX that you are about to give it a command.

11 Some Miscellaneous Expressions “Normal” text How many subsets does have? LaTeX code How many subsets does $\emptyset$ have? $A= \{ 1,2,3,4 \} $ $A \subseteq B$ and $B \subseteq A$. $$ f(x)=\frac{x^3}{1+x^2}.$$

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