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Environmental Emergencies & Identification of Secondary Risks Roy Brooke & Mirja Peters Environmental Emergencies Section // Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Emergencies & Identification of Secondary Risks Roy Brooke & Mirja Peters Environmental Emergencies Section // Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Emergencies & Identification of Secondary Risks Roy Brooke & Mirja Peters Environmental Emergencies Section // Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit IASC Weekly Meeting, 16 July 2008

2 Environmental Emergencies "Disasters and conflicts can impact the environment in ways that threaten human life, health, livelihoods and security. Disaster managers and humanitarian workers must therefore identify and address acute environmental risks quickly and consistently as an integral part of effective emergency response." John Holmes USG for Humanitarian Affairs & Emergency Relief Coordinator

3 Environmental Emergencies 1. Classic environmental emergency situation 2. Natural disaster with significant environmental impacts 3. Complex emergencies resulting in environmental impacts + Forest fires

4 Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit (JEU) UN core mechanism to mobilize and coordinate the international response to environmental emergencies Combines UNEP ’ s environmental expertise + OCHA ’ s response mandate Integrated into OCHA ’ s Emergency Services Branch (Geneva) Available 24/7

5 Secondary impacts - Identification FEAT HIT

6 Hazard Identification Tool (HIT) Tool for desk research Sources: Publicly accessible internet sites Databases, e.g. ICOLD database on large hydro dams Result:  List of facilities with potential secondary impact on humans and the environment

7 HIT Example

8 Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT) Tool for on-site assessment Sources: On-site investigation Information from local/national authorities Result:  List of facilities with secondary impact  Request for specialized assistance

9 FEAT modules

10 FEAT – I = H, Exp, Q Hazard Quantity Exposure IMPACT Chemical / Physical / Natural Receptor Pathway

11 Impact types Direct impact on human health - immediate death and adverse health effects Direct impact on life-support functions and nature - crops, fish resources, agricultural land, water supply - biodiversity and certain species or ecosystems Long-term impact on life-support functions, nature and humans - toxic persistent substances entering the food chain and natural ecosystems and effects of carcinogenic substances.

12 FEAT Report

13 Identification of secondary risks


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