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1. 2 THE EUROPEAN UNION In the first half of the 20 th century Europe saw two huge wars-the First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945).Millions.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 THE EUROPEAN UNION In the first half of the 20 th century Europe saw two huge wars-the First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945).Millions."— Presentation transcript:

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3 THE EUROPEAN UNION In the first half of the 20 th century Europe saw two huge wars-the First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945).Millions of people were killed and cities were destroyed. People didn`t want another war. They wanted to live, work, travel, and buy and sell products in peace, so some European politicians looked for ways to work together. They started with the coal and steel industries. In 1951, six countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, formed the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The ECSC was only a small step, but it was successful, so the six countries decided to go further. In 1957 they signed the Treaty of Rome,and the European Economic Community (EEC) was started. In 1973 Denmark, Ireland and the UK joined, and they were followed in the 1980s by Greece, Portugal and Spain. In 1993 these twelve countries signed the Maastricht Treaty and the European Union was born. 3

4 Between then and 2007, fifteen The European anthem is more countries, mostly in Beethoven's “Ode to Joy” Central and Eastern Europe, In 2002 the euro became joined the Union. the currency of twelve EU It`s now the third largest countries.Some other economic area in the world, countries also joined the after China and India. euro zone later. The EU is run by the European The original EEC was just an Commission, which is in economic area, but today Brussels. There is also the the EU deals with many European Parliament in other things, including Strasbourg, the European education, culture, human Court in Luxembourg and rights, foreign policy and The European Central Bank the environment. The EU is In Frankfurt. still changing, Several The EU also has its own flag. countries, including It`s blue with a circle of twelve Croatia, Turkey, Serbia and Gold stars, because there were Bosnia-Herzegovina, want Twelve members when it was chosen in 1986. to join. 4

5 People in the EU have different ideas about the future. Some want a closer union, so that Europe will become more like the USA. Others want a larger, looser union where individual countries make more of their own decisions. However, for over fifty years the EU has helped to bring peace and prosperity to Europe. 5

6 Put these in the correct order The euro___________ The European flag_________ Nine members__________ The Treaty of Rome_________ The Second World War_______ The European Coal and Steel Community________ Twenty-seven members_________ The First World War___1_______ The Maastricht Treaty________ 6

7 Answers The euro____7_______ The European flag__6_______ Nine members____5______ The Treaty of Rome___4______ The Second World War__2_____ The European Coal and Steel Community___3_____ Twenty-seven members____8_____ The First World War___1_______ The Maastricht Treaty___6_____ 7

8 Write the dates for each 8

9 Answers The euro____7_______2002 The European flag__6_______1986 Nine members____5______1973 The Treaty of Rome___4______1957 The Second World War__2_____1939-1945 The European Coal and Steel Community___3__1951 Twenty-seven members____8_____2011 The First World War___1_______1914-1918 The Maastricht Treaty___6_____1993 9

10 Answer the questions What was EU`s original name? Which countries started it? Why was it started? When did the UK join? Is the EU the largest economic area in the world? Which countries are the main EU institutions in? Why has the EU flag got 12 stars? How have the EU`s aims changed? 10

11 Answers The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. European politicians wanted to live, work, travel, and buy and sell products in peace, they looked for way to work together. In 1973. No, it isn`t. Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Frankfurt. Because there were twelve members when it was chosen. Today the EU deals with many other things, including education, culture, human rights, foreign policy and the environment. 11

12 KEY FACTS The European Union was founded in 1957. 12

13 There are 27 Member States. 13

14 12 golden stars shine out from the blue flag of Europe. 12 golden stars shine out from the blue flag of Europe 14

15 The European Anthem 15

16 The euro is the single currency of 17 European countries. 16

17 17

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20 1. How many Member States does the EU have? 1214152527 2. Is Turkey a Member State? YesNo 3. True or False: the EU integration process will not consist of any more enlargements TrueFalse 4.What is the official motto of the European Union? ‘United for Europe’ ‘In Europe We Unite!’ ‘United in Diversity’ ‘A United Europe’ 5. Which of the following countries is the oldest in the EU? United KingdomCzech republicRomaniaSpain 6. When did the last enlargement take place? 2000200420072009 7. Whose composition is used as the European Union official anthem? MozartBachWagnerBeethoven 8. How many stars are on the European Union flag? 15201227 9. What is the single European currency adopted until now by 16 Member States? EuroEuropean DollarEuropean MarkEuropean Franc 10. When is the European Union birthday celebrated? April 9 th May 9 th June 9 th July 9 th 20

21 Answers 1.27 2.No 3.False 4.United in Diversity 5.United Kingdom 6.2007 7.Beethoven 8.12 9. Euro 10. May 9 th 21

22 The EU Kids' Corner contains a selection of games for children and young people aged from 6 to 16. The games are available in 22 EU languages and have all been produced by EU institutions. For parents and guardians The games on Kids' Corner are divided into age groups to make it easier to find games suitable for your child. Content: games are related to different policy areas of the European Union; Formats: games range from simple quizzes to puzzles and action games; See also: Basic information on the EU and its 27 member countriesBasic information on the EU and its 27 member countries 22

23 BIBLIOGRAPY Project Student`s BookTom Hutchinson 23

24 THE END Thank you for your attention 24

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