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The Rise of Russia Chapter 12 Section 2.

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1 The Rise of Russia Chapter 12 Section 2

2 Key Terms Rus Yaroslav the Wise Cyril Methodius Cyrillic alphabet
Vladimir Alexander Nevsky

3 The Rus and Kiev Slavs fighting among themselves
Asked Vikings for help Oldest brother took Novgorod Oleg attacked Constantinople in 907 Received a generous trade agreement

4 The Growth of Kiev 900’s became Kievan Rus
Yaroslav the Wise- ruled Kiev from Collected religious books and hired scribes Translate into Greek and Slav Diplomatic and trade relations with Europe

5 The Growth of Kiev Was crushed attacking Constantinople
Maintained relationships by arranging marriages of his daughters

6 Christianity in Russia
Cyril and Methodius- spoke Slavic language Use of native language helped in conversions Cyrillic alphabet- written alphabet based mainly on Greek alphabet Used it in mass

7 Christian Russia Vladimir I – converts to Christianity
Married sister of Byzantium emperor 988 Christianity state religion 1054 set up own church in Kiev Russian Orthodox Church

8 Russia Under Attack Yaroslav dies Princes fight for power
1200 Mongols appear Entered Rus 1223 1227 Genghis Kahn dies 1227 Divided territory into 4 parts 1240 Kiev fell to Mongols

9 A Threat from the East Mongols did not interfere with the church
Alexander encouraged Russians not to rebel Mongols did not destroy much of their land

10 A threat From the North 1240 Swedes invaded north of Novgorod
Control of trade route from Byzantium and Russia 1245 Alexander attacks the Swedes Swedes were defeated

11 Invasion From the Baltic
Alexander Nevsky-was the victor Used status to meddle in Norvgorod’s affairs Teutonic Knights to force Russians to abandon their church Invaded from Baltic Sea 1242 Alexander defeats the knights

12 Invasion from the Baltic
Alexander lured the Knights onto a frozen straight The ice cracked under the weight of the knights One of Russian’s most famous victories

13 From Kiev to Muscovy Tartars emerged as rulers after the Mongols
1480 Russia freed from foreign domination Muscovy became the capital Occupied most of Asia

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