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Chapter 2 Programming with PHP Part 2. handle_form.php Script 2.3 on pages 46 cript_02_03/form.html

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Programming with PHP Part 2. handle_form.php Script 2.3 on pages 46 cript_02_03/form.html"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Programming with PHP Part 2

2 handle_form.php Script 2.3 on pages 46 cript_02_03/form.html cript_02_03/form.html ch02\script_02_03\handle_form.php

3 isset if (isset($_REQUEST[‘gender’])) isset tests whether ($_REQUEST[‘gender’])) is NULL

4 if if(condition){ }

5 if if(condition){ } else { }

6 if if(condition1){ } elseif (condition2) { } else { }

7 Comparison Operators Table 2.2 – Page 45 SymbolMeaningExample ==is equal toif($x == $y) !=is NOT equal toif($x != $y) <is LESS thanif($x < $y) >is GREATER thanif($x > $y) <=is LESS than or EQUAL toif($x <= $y) >=is GREATER than or EQUAL to if($x >= $y)

8 Logical Operators SymbolMeaningExample !notif(!$x ) &&andif($x && $y) ANDandif($x AND $y) ||orif($x || $y) ORorif($x OR $y) XORand notif($x XOR $y)

9 True and False If $var is FALSE, 0, ””, NULL Everything else is TRUE

10 handle_form.php Script 2.4 on page 49-50 cript_02_04/form.html cript_02_04/form.html ch02\script_02_04\handle_form.php

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