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1 TEISS Case Project Introduction Melinda Ronca-Battista and Angelique Luedeker, ITEP.

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Presentation on theme: "1 TEISS Case Project Introduction Melinda Ronca-Battista and Angelique Luedeker, ITEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TEISS Case Project Introduction Melinda Ronca-Battista and Angelique Luedeker, ITEP

2 2 Topics Covered in Case Project Creating a new project Adding Point sources Adding Area sources Using the TEISS calculators Exporting data to EIS format Adding a new inventory year Creating reports and charts

3 3 New Project Creation Welcome Screen Save project

4 4 Geographic Area & Timeframe Case project for 2008 emission year Hopi Tribe’s reservation

5 5 TEISS View Login User Name: Administrator Password (cASE sENSITIVE): Teiss

6 6 Source Type Toolbar Facility Release point Nonpoint Non-road On-road Event

7 7 Graphically Defining Sources Click on desired source type or process Outline specified area for source (for this case project, anywhere inside tribal boundaries is fine) Geographic data automatically input into TEISS Nonpoint/Mobile sources automatically defined as entire county/tribe

8 8 Input View: Point Locations

9 9

10 10 Input View: Facilities

11 11 Input View: Facilities

12 12 TEISS View – Input Field Colors Mandatory Fields (green) Mandatory for inventory. Designates a data element that EPA and most data users require to be present to consider an inventory useful Necessary Fields (yellow) Necessary fields also important to NEI data users, but for which reasonable defaulting schemes may be applied by EPA if value not reported Optional Fields (off-white) QA/QC data, other info that is useful to track if you have collected it!

13 13 Defining Records Manually Records Emission Unit Processes Control Equipment Emission Period Location Etc. Add, Edit or Delete a record by clicking on the record and selecting your option

14 14 Defining Records Manually Blue shading shows which record type you’re looking at Top of the list shows which record you’re working within

15 15 Emission Calculators TEISS has built-in emission calculators (based on AP-42) used for estimating emissions from point or nonpoint sources Calculator can be executed from ESTIMATE button in Reporting Period record of Input View, or from CALC button on toolbar Calculators prompt you for required information Once you run calculator from ESTIMATE button in Reporting Period record, emission rates automatically input into TEISS

16 16 Calculator Screens Calculator Search Calculator for Refuse Combustion

17 17 Hints/Tips To open Input view, click INPUT button on toolbar To close Input view, click CLOSE There is not a Save button in the File menu. TEISS automatically saves as you work when You modify your map You click on the OK button of each data entry form Backup your TEISS project frequently to an external location!

18 18 Working with Search Dialogs Type code and TEISS View will automatically find match Select from list by double-clicking highlighted selection Click on button and use Search function To clear field, select blank entry located on top of list If there is no blank entry, the field is mandatory Blank entry

19 19 TEISSView – Required Files/Folders Never Delete or Modify files or alter folder structure in TEISSView folder Always good practice to create new folders to store/save your new or edited TEISSView projects Always good practice to backup your project to another location or media

20 20 Data Export and Review

21 21 NEI Export function Access NEI Export function by Selecting NEI button from toolbar Or NEI menu and then “Export to NEI” Follow steps specified in Case Project Be aware of validation options! File is stored as an XML file NOT automatically submitted to NEI

22 22 Validation Options Start here Finishes here

23 23 Validation

24 24 TEISS Reporting Functions TEISS does NOT write your EI report for you Sorry! TEISS does Create graphs and tables to use in your report Create QA/QC reports detailing where data came from, how emissions were calculated, QA review

25 25 Point Sources Nonpoint Sources Mobile Sources Total Emissions

26 26 Filtering Data for Reports

27 27 Reports – Advanced Filter Choose any number of pollutants to report Checks selected pollutant Unchecks selected pollutant Checks all pollutants on list Unchecks all pollutants on list Switches selection of pollutants

28 28

29 29 Generating Reports

30 30 Emission Density Maps

31 31 Adding a New Inventory Year

32 32 Inventory Year

33 33 Creating New Inventory Year

34 34 Creating a New Inventory Year

35 35 New Inventory Year

36 36 Reports: Total Emissions Time Series Each source type allows you to graph changes over time. If you have several years of Inventories, choose the “by SCC/Year” report.

37 37 Reports: Total Emissions Time Series The advanced filter has an additional window Allows you to choose which years you want to graph.

38 38 Reports: Total Emissions Time Series

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