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Drought in Utah Inside FlapBack Front Created by Olivia Omer Utah Small Efforts, BIG Changes Extreme Drought Severe Drought Moderate Drought Abnormally.

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Presentation on theme: "Drought in Utah Inside FlapBack Front Created by Olivia Omer Utah Small Efforts, BIG Changes Extreme Drought Severe Drought Moderate Drought Abnormally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drought in Utah Inside FlapBack Front Created by Olivia Omer Utah Small Efforts, BIG Changes Extreme Drought Severe Drought Moderate Drought Abnormally Dry How is your location? National Integrated Drought Information System According to the Utah Gov. Services, Utah is the nation's second- driest state. We only receive 13 inches of average annual precipitation!

2 Inside Utahans’ Water Habits Other Daily Habits Every Drop Counts Hand Washing Tips: o Start by wetting your hands o Turn off while scrubbing/washing o Turn back on to rinse o This not only saves water, it kills germs more effectively! Utah Gov. Services Daily, Utahans also use on average: o ½ gallon of water for drinking o 4-7 gallons for flushing the toilet o 180 gallons watering the lawn o 100 gallons washing the car Utah Gov. ServicesGD405Glover

3 Works Cited: 1.National Integrated Drought Information System. "UT | U.S. Drought Portal."UT | U.S. Drought Portal. National Integrated Drought Information System, Feb. 2015. Web. 01 Mar. 2015. 2.Utah Gov. Services. "Utah Water Supply/Facts Brochure." Utah Water Supply/Facts Brochure. Utah Division of Water Resources, 2015. 3.GD405Glover. “Water Conservation PSA." GD405Glover RSS. Marymount University Commons, 2015. Web. Feb. 2015.

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