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25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485

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Presentation on theme: "25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485"— Presentation transcript:

1 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485

2  Disability/ Category Focus  The student’s intellectual disability prevents him from achieving …  Service Focus  The student needs a paraprofessional…  Need Focus  The student’s difficulty with decoding…

3  Develop high quality IEP goals and objectives aligned with general education curriculum. ▪ Establish the strategies, skills and concepts that need to be taught based on the specific gaps identified. ▪ Establish conditions of learning, demonstration of learning, and performance criteria for each goal and objective. ▪ Write IEP goals and objectives with objective and measurable language. p. 48

4  How do goals and objectives provide instructional guidance for daily lesson planning?  How do goals and objectives provide specially designed instruction to support student progress in general education standards? Revised 11/07SERC4 p. 48

5 Analyzing Bridges & Gaps Determining Level of Support Writing Goals & Objectives Determining Type of Support Implementing & Monitoring Progress Revised 11/07SERC5 p. 49

6 Making Ends All Meet… General education standards Specially designed instruction IEP p. 50

7 CT Math Framework Grade 4: Extend & compare numerical & geometric sequences & classify patterns as repeating or growing IEP Goal/Objective: Given an a-b-c pattern, the student will use manipulatives to determine if it is repeating or growing 10/07SERC

8 CT Math Framework Grade 4: Extend & compare numerical & geometric sequences & classify patterns as repeating or growing IEP Goal/Objective: Given an a-b-c pattern, the student will use manipulatives to determine if it is repeating or growing 10/07SERC Modification Accommodation General Ed Curriculum

9  When in small group activities, Steven will seek out an adult when he feels he is becoming frustrated…  When in small group activities, Steven will write his idea and his peer idea on paper and underline the parts of his peer idea that he likes…  When debriefing with an adult on a conflict, Steven will describe means of conflict management, including negotiation and mediation … 10/07SERC

10  When in small group activities, Steven will seek out an adult when he feels he is becoming frustrated…  When in small group activities, Steven will write his idea and his peer idea on paper and underline the parts of his peer idea that he likes…  When debriefing with an adult on a conflict, Steven will describe means of conflict management, including negotiation and mediation… 10/07SERC Typical Setting Demand Specially Designed Instruction General Education Curriculum

11  The Three Parts of an IEP Goal/Objective  Condition for Learning  Demonstration of Learning  Performance Criteria for Mastery

12  Sets context - Curriculum & Setting demands  Tasks  Materials  Instructional methods  Environmental structures  Curriculum standards 10/07SERC p. 54

13  Given scenarios or problems with real-world connections…  In a given social or group situation…  When using a word processing program to compose a written assignment… 10/07SERC

14  How the student will show understanding of concepts or applications of skills  Observable  Measurable 10/07SERC p. 55

15  …the student will use a graphic organizer to display the relevant data needed to solve the problem…  … the student will initiate conversation with a peer …  …the student will independently use Co- Writer word prediction program… 10/07SERC

16  To what degree will the concept or skill be demonstrated  Accuracy  Frequency  Duration  How will we know it was performed to that degree? 10/07SERC p. 56

17  … scoring a 5/6 on a rubric measuring the use of the graphic organizer.  … at least 5 consecutive school days based on check sheets and observations.  … 100% of the time based on observations. 10/07SERC

18  The child will cross the street with 80% accuracy.  The student will write a paragraph with 80% accuracy.  The child will decode a reading passage with 80% accuracy. 10/07SERC p. 57

19  Word Identification  Independent level (science) ▪ 98%-100%  Instructional level (reading) ▪ 93%-97%  Frustration level ▪ 92% or less  Reading Comprehension  Independent level ▪ 100%  Instructional level ▪ 75%-100%  Frustration level ▪ 74% or less 10/07SERC Gickling (1978)

20 Le was gabadling when she entered, taking no obvious note of her yestle at all. Danielle looked at lex curiously. She knew that Edward had been on whub lately and was one of the very few outside of House Bassets who knew the truth behind that whub. The dark plawbs had come and infiltrated Claymont's zeubs, and Edward was serving as a front mallec for their operations. If Danielle held any preconceived gezoxs of how terrible the elf truly could be, one look at Edward surely confirmed those qualalicutions. Le had never been a nervous one-Danielle wasn’t sure that le was now-and had never been a mallec Danielle would have expected to find at odds with herself. Salvatore, R.A. Servant of the Shard Wizards of the Coast (2000) 10/07SERC

21 Frustration Level Le was gabadling when she entered, taking no obvious note of her yestle at all. Danielle looked at lex curiously. She knew that Edward had been on whub lately and was one of the very few outside of House Bassets who knew the truth behind that whub. The dark plawbs had come and infiltrated Claymont's zeubs, and Edward was serving as a front mallec for their operations. If Danielle held any preconceived gezoxs of how terrible the elf truly could be, one look at Edward surely confirmed those qualalicutions. Le had never been a nervous one-Danielle wasn’t sure that le was now-and had never been a mallec Danielle would have expected to find at odds with herself. Salvatore, R.A. Servant of the Shard Wizards of the Coast (2000) 10/07SERC

22  Can definitely measure growth  Using a 100 word passage, went from 75 CWPM to 100 CWPM  Is objective  Stays in seat for 10 minutes  Has documentation  graph, student products  Uses a specific assessment tool  Rubric, reading probe, frequency count  Can have frequent data collection  Daily, weekly, monthly 10/07SERC p. 57

23 How do We Use the Form? Type of Assessment Tool 10/07SERC

24 How do We Use the Form? The Way Growth Will Be Calculated 10/07SERC

25 How do We Use the Form? The Expected Performance 10/07SERC

26 How do We Use the Form? 1 Reading Probe A Percent Word Recognition 95%/Gr. 4 10/07SERC

27  Given scenarios or problems with real- world connections, the student will use a graphic organizer to display the relevant data needed to solve the problem scoring a 5/6 on a rubric measuring the use of the graphic organizer.

28  Use your IEP  Highlight each area you find  Condition for learning – yellow  Demonstration of learning – green  Performance criteria for mastery – pink

29 Given scenarios or problems with real-world connections, the student will use a graphic organizer to display the relevant data needed to solve the problem scoring a 5/6 on a rubric measuring the use of the graphic organizer.



32 11/06  Objectives  Specific concepts or skills that make up the goal  Are separated, but need to eventually put together to meet the goal  Benchmarks  Remains a holistic set of concepts or skills  Is a sequence building towards goal p. 58

33 11/06  Using Performance Criteria  Is broken into what can be accomplished in trimesters or quarters  Builds from a lower performance level to the final expected performance level listed in goal  Scaffolding  Is broken into a sequence of concepts and skills that build on one another p. 58

34  Select words from  The general education side  The specially designed instruction side  Must have at LEAST one from each side (but not necessarily from every column)  FOR EXAMPLE… 10/07SERC

35 General Education Curriculum Standard Extend & compare numerical & geometric sequences & classify patterns as repeating or growing General Education Curriculum & Setting Demands Present Level of PerformanceSpecially Designed Instruction BridgeGaps/Barriers Supplemental InstructionAccommodationsModifications Concepts Numerical sequences Sequencing How to sequence Geometric sequences Patterns (repeating & growing) Up to a-b patterns Skills Extend (sequences) Up to a-b patterns Up to a-b-c patterns Compare (sequences) Classify (patterns) Up to a-b patterns Benchmarks To a rubric score of 3/5 Extend & compare complex patterns Pre-Score of 1/5 Up to a-b patterns Up to a-b-c patterns Setting Demands Use various patterns (shapes, letters, numbers) Paper-pencil tasks Performs orally Picture cues for directions Manipulatives Must have manipulatives Whole class instruction Has difficulty with understanding lecture Frequent checks for understanding Oral demonstrations/modeling Oral explanations/ descriptions

36  Given a pattern, the student will use manipulatives to determine if it is repeating or growing to 100% accuracy for a-b-c patterns. 10/07SERC

37  Write one goal and a set of objectives using the word bank  Condition for learning  Demonstration of learning  Performance criteria for mastery 10/07SERC p. 59

38  Can you see, hear or touch it? (Observable)  Can you count it or time it? (Measurable)  Can we all agree when we see it? (Specific) 10/07SERC p. 60

39  Paying attention  Aggressive behavior  Out of seat  Off task  Throwing objects  Homework completion  Comprehension  Spelling errors  Phonemic awareness  Math facts known  Writing narrative  Correct words per minute How would you change vague and non-measurable terms to be observable, measurable, and specific?

40 Can any teacher implement these goals/objectives?  The student will use appropriate vocabulary in writing assignments.  Using a highlighter and a set directions for a task, the student will highlight the verbs to indicate what needs to be done.  The student will improve social skills in group settings 80% of the time. 10/07SERC p. 60

41 Can a dead person meet these goals/objectives?  During circle time, the student will remain quiet for ten minutes.  The student will keep hands and feet to self.  For class discussions, the student will use a ticket each time she wants to contribute. 10/07SERC p. 60

42  Are they observable, measurable, specific?  Could a different teacher understand what to do without any further explanation?  Are you sure a dead person could NOT do this?  Do they generalize across content, settings and time? 10/07SERC p. 60

43  What content affirmed your practice?  What changes will you make in your practice tomorrow? 10/07SERC

44  Practices to keep and practices to change  How will you use these tools and materials to support IEP development?  How will you share your learning with colleagues?

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