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The Basics of Culture World Studies. What is culture?  Important words/ definitions are in BOLD The way of life shared by members of a society. A set.

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Presentation on theme: "The Basics of Culture World Studies. What is culture?  Important words/ definitions are in BOLD The way of life shared by members of a society. A set."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Basics of Culture World Studies

2 What is culture?  Important words/ definitions are in BOLD The way of life shared by members of a society. A set of learned beliefs, values, and behaviors. A person can be a part of many cultures and/or sub-cultures. Ex. We are all a part of an American culture, but within the American culture there are many sub- cultures…what are some of them?

3 Elements (parts) of Culture Belief Systems (Christianity) Language (Spanish) Social Structures (nuclear family) Institutions (education) Material Elements Food (sushi) Art Music (mariachi) Clothing (Kente cloth) Tools

4 How does culture change? Innovation- Something new is created to meet a need. Ex. The automobile. Diffusion- The spread of ideas from one culture to another. Ex. Tacos or sushi in the U.S.A.; Mc D’s in China. Acculturation- A culture changes because it accepts an idea or innovation. Ex. Traditional clothing is replaced by t-shirts and jeans.

5 Cultural Diffusion Mc D’s in IndiaMc D’s in China

6 Cultural Sensitivity Ethnocentrism- the belief that your culture/ beliefs are better than someone else’s. It is important not to judge other cultures by our standards. Just because another culture eats something that we would not or listens to music that we don’t does not make them any more or less civilized. Try to find similarities between cultures and learn to appreciate the differences.

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