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What do you know? Do You know how to…………… 1.Open the document saved? 2.Use save as to network? 3.Use proper spacing after punctuations? 4.Change font?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know? Do You know how to…………… 1.Open the document saved? 2.Use save as to network? 3.Use proper spacing after punctuations? 4.Change font?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What do you know? Do You know how to…………… 1.Open the document saved? 2.Use save as to network? 3.Use proper spacing after punctuations? 4.Change font? 5.Change font size? 6.Change font color? 7.Changing the text position or justifying the text

3 What do you know? 1.Microsoft Word shortcut keys See handout 2.Undo the last action or actions that you made ? 3.Redo the last action or actions that you made ? 4.Make the text bold ? 5.Underline text ? 6.Underline words, but not the spaces between them?

4 What do you know? Insert a manual page break? Automatically insert the current date? Add picture bullets or symbols to a list ? Insert a picture?

5 Punctuation spacing With a computer, use only one space following periods, commas, semicolons, colons, exclamation points, question marks, and quotation marks. No space after internal periods in abbreviations (a.m., i.e., U.S.). No space after the colon in ratios (6:1) Hyphen: no space before or after (trial-by-trial analysis). Dash: type as two hyphens with no space before, between or after (Studies--published and unpublished-- are. Minus: type as a hyphen with space on both sides (x - 3).

6 Change font type In Microsoft Word a user can change the properties of any text. For example, changing the text's font, size, color, or making it bold, italic and/or underlining it. Below is a graphic illustration of the Microsoft Format bar and a description of each of the options on the toolbar. If you do not see a bar similar to the below example, click View, Toolbars, and make sure Formatting has a check next to it. Changing font type To change the font of text within a Microsoft Word document, follow the below steps. Highlight the text you wish to change the font type of.Highlight Click the down arrow next to the font on the format bar. Often, the default font is Times New Roman, as shown in the above example. If you simply want to change the font to bold, italic, or underlined, click on the B, I, or U on the format bar. After clicking the down arrow for the font, you should be able to select from each of the installed fonts on your computer. Click the font you wish to use and the highlighted text will change. If you do not have any text to highlight or wish to type text in a different font, move the cursor to the location of where you want to new text, click the down arrow on the font option on the formatting toolbar and select the font you wish to use.cursor

7 Change font size To change the font size of text within Microsoft Word, follow the below steps. Highlight the text you wish to change the size of.Highlight Click the down arrow next to the size on the format bar. Often, the default size is 12, as shown in the above example. After clicking the down arrow for the font, you should have a selection of different sizes to select from. Some fonts may not scale properly so some fonts may only have a few size options and sometimes may only have one. If you do not have any text to highlight or wish to type text in a different size, move the cursor to the location of where you want to new text, click the down arrow on the size option on the formatting toolbar and select the size you wish to use.cursor

8 Changing font color To change the font color of text within Microsoft Word, follow the below steps. Highlight the text you wish to change the size of.Highlight Click the down arrow next to the color icon as shown in the above example. Usually, the icon is letter A with a red underline. After clicking the down arrow for the color, select which color you wish to make the text. If you do not have any text to highlight or wish to type text in a different color, move the cursor to the location of where you want to new text, click the down arrow on the font color option on the formatting toolbar and select the color you wish to use.cursor

9 Changing the text position or justifying the text You can change the horizontal justification of the text in Microsoft Word by highlighting the text you wish to change and clicking the left, center, or right justification icons as shown in the picture shown above.horizontaljustification If you wish to change the vertical justification of text follow the below steps. Open Microsoft Word Click File and then Page Setup Click the Layout tab Under Vertical alignment click the down arrow and select center, bottom or the alignment you wish to use. If you do not want this setting to effect the whole document change the "Apply to" to selected text.

10 Change a font! Step One - Select the text you want to change to a different font.font Step Two - Go to the Font menu in the Formatting toolbar. Step Three - Select the font you want to use. or Step One - Select the text you want to change to a different font. Step Two- Go to the Format menu. Step Three - Select Font. The Font window opens. Step Four - Select the Font tab, if it is not already selected. Step Five - Select the font you want to use in the font window.

11 Undo the last action or actions that you made To undo an action, do one or more of the following: Click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+Z. To undo several actions at once, click the arrow next to Undo, select the actions in the list that you want to undo, and then click the list. All of the selected actions are reversed. To cancel an entry in a cell or the formula bar (formula bar: A bar at the top of the Excel window that you use to enter or edit values or formulas in cells or charts. Displays the constant value or formula stored in the active cell.) before you press ENTER, press ESC.

12 Redo the last action or actions that you made ? To redo an action that you undid, click Redo on the Quick Access Toolbar. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+Y

13 Make the text bold Select the text that you want to make bold, and move your pointer to the Mini toolbar above your selection. Click Bold. Keyboard shortcut CTRL+B Note Click Bold again to unbold the text that you selected.

14 Underline words and the spaces between them Select the text that you want to underline. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Underline. Or press CTRL+U. To change the underline style or color, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, click the Font tab, and then change the Underline style or Underline color setting.

15 Underline words, but not the spaces between them Select the text that you want to underline. On the Home tab, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Font tab. In the Underline style box, click Words only.

16 Insert a manual page break Click where you want to start a new page. On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click Page Break.

17 Automatically insert the current date Type the first four characters of the current month. For example, type febr for February. Microsoft Word displays the current month: February. Press ENTER to insert the month, and then press SPACEBAR. Word displays the current date — for example, February 12, 2008 or 12 February 2008. Press ENTER to insert the entire date.

18 Add picture bullets or symbols to a list The Bullet Library includes symbol and picture bullet styles. If you don't see the style that you want in the library, you can define a new bullet style. Select the items to which you want to add picture bullets or symbols. To change an entire list level in a multilevel list, click one bullet or number at that level in the list. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to Bullets. Click Define New Bullet, and then click Symbol or Picture. Click any symbol or picture that you want to use, and then click OK twice. After you create a bulleted item, each time you press ENTER, another bulleted item is automatically added until you press ENTER twice.

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