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BIBLE Lesson 2 God Wants Me To Be Born Again. What does God want from us? An intimate relationship with God.

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Presentation on theme: "BIBLE Lesson 2 God Wants Me To Be Born Again. What does God want from us? An intimate relationship with God."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIBLE Lesson 2 God Wants Me To Be Born Again

2 What does God want from us? An intimate relationship with God

3 What does separate us from the source of Life? Sin and death

4 What do we need to do to come close to God? humble ourselves ask forgiveness recognize our dire need for Him

5 What is God's plan for each of us? To have eternal life

6 What does eternal life means? to live forever with God in Heaven

7 Who cannot be with God in Heaven? anyone who sins

8 what is sin? when you do what is wrong. when you do what God doesn't want you to do. living a life that does not please God sin is living a life that displeases God

9 What is a sinner? a sinner is someone who disobeys the teachings and commandments of God a sinner is one who commits sin

10 What is the price of sin? punishment

11 who paid the price of humanity's sin? Jesus Christ

12 Where is Jesus Now? He is in heaven with God waiting for us.

13 How is the price of sin paid for? Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins.

14 How can a man be born again? We become like new babies in Christ by the Spirit when we ask Him to forgive us our sins and make us members of His spiritual family. To be born again is to experience a new life in Christ and be born to God's family by believing in God and asking for His forgiveness.

15 In the Story from the Bible, what did Jesus tell Nicodemus about being saved? No one can be with God forever unless he is born again.

16 Who is Jesus? Jesus is God's only Begotten Son because He is the Only Son who was not adopted

17 Who is Nicodemus? Nicodemus was a ruler of the jews who came to Jesus one night asking Him about being born again.

18 What is manifestation? Miracles

19 Bible Verse Acts 16:31 says whoever does this will have eternal life. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

20 Facts Sin and death caused man to be deserving of God's wrath and punishment. God gave us His son Jesus Christ as due penalty for all of humanity's sins Jesus Christ death paved the way for us to be restored to a right relationship with God and enjoy for ourselves the intimacy and wealth of love God lavishly gives everyone who believes in Him. The Holy Spirit sactifies us from our sins.

21 Q&A It is a kind of relationship that God is longing from us from the beginning. intimate We are created to have fellowship with Him, until sin and death separated from the: Source of Life One of the plans that God has for us is to live forever with Him in heaven that means to have: Eternal life A person who disobeys the Law of God is called: sinner It is the manifestation of God’s power. miracles

22 Q&A Who was the man who came to see Jesus at night? Nicodemus Who sanctifies us from our sins? Holy Spirit What separates us from God? sin It is becoming like new babies in Christ. Born again This is what Jesus did on the cross to pay the price for our sin. died

23 Q&A We are created to have fellowship with God. true Man has fallen from God’s standards caused to be deserving of God’s wrath and punishment. true We can be born again even if we do not like to be a member of His spiritual family. false Jesus was resurrected by Nicodemus. false Because God loves us anyone can simply have eternal life. false

24 Q&A The Bible tells us that anyone who sins can’t be with God. true The Bible says that everyone is a sinner and has a price and deserves a punishment. true Since we are sinners and God is perfect and never sins, then it’s impossible for us to be with God. true The hope for salvation is Jesus Christ. true Jesus was loved by everybody. true

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