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News as a social construct external influences. government and news legal controls -- limited news management -- extensive.

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Presentation on theme: "News as a social construct external influences. government and news legal controls -- limited news management -- extensive."— Presentation transcript:

1 news as a social construct external influences

2 government and news legal controls -- limited news management -- extensive

3 advertising and news rise of advertising: mass production, mass distribution, mass marketing target audiences: demographics, psychographics household penetration sheer amount of advertising pressure on content

4 interest groups and news examples pressure groups expert sources (numbers, specialization) other public relations activities

5 public relations today huge industry functions: publicity, communication, public affairs, government relations, community relations

6 who uses PR? governments politicians/candidates educational institutions non-profit groups professional/trade organizations entertainment, sports figures businesses

7 case #1. Tylenol 1982. 7 dead. cyanide. personal, business disaster removed product launched media campaign Burson Marsteller: video teleconference, press kits, mailgrams

8 case #2. guns National Rifle Association Handgun Control Inc.

9 case #3. Kuwait 1990: Citizens for a Free Kuwait. Hill and Knowlton goals for PR campaign strategies: press conferences, bumper stickers, photo images, coaching for interviews, media tours, contact media, Cong’l hearings, video crews

10 every day use of PR print: news releases video news releases

11 Neutragena aim: sales of Neutragena strategy: into news/media taking care of facial skin expert (dermatologist): mild soap, such as…. color of soap

12 hypothetical situation facts: electrocardiogram usage down; doctors, medical journals discount its value. Your client: makes EKGs. how do you help your client?

13 how to spot VNRs reporter not actually shown interviewing people new product/new technology factory or office scenes business or product in positive light ask yourself: who benefits?

14 are VNRs good? 1.could be newsworthy 2.cuts news costs 3.visuals

15 are VNRs bad? becomes marketing 2.politicians using TAX money 3.businesses taking advantage of news – blurring of news, ad 4.intent: fool audience

16 other influences: other media Prestige media New York Times CNN New England Journal of Medicine

17 other influences: community concerns community ties media as boosters

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