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TITLE Rotary District 5630 Subject: Strategies to overcome membership challenges Date: May 30, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "TITLE Rotary District 5630 Subject: Strategies to overcome membership challenges Date: May 30, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 TITLE Rotary District 5630 Subject: Strategies to overcome membership challenges Date: May 30, 2015

2 Coverage RotariansNon-RotariansUNK students GeneralYoung Professionals Fall 2014Satisfaction Awareness Intentions Awareness Intentions Spring 2015 Best Practices RECOMMENDATIONS ON RECRUITING THESE GROUPS

3 District 5630 Rotarians



6 How long have you been a member of your Rotary Club? Less than 1 year1-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-15 Years More than 15 YearsTotal Very Satisfied 11715142774 42% Satisfied 32012 2067 38% Somewhat Satisfied 11443628 16% Neutral 1 23 2% Somewhat Dissatisfied 1 12 1% Dissatisfied 21 14 2% TOTAL MEMBERS 178 Reasons not very inclusive hesitancy of membership to participate in projects/same members help with most of the club projects...some members never participate in club projects/lack of cohesiveness of club/lack of enthusiasm in club as a whole/members unwilling to evaluate club and look for ways to improve it...resist change It's a good ole boy club Satisfaction with Rotary (97%)

7 Somewhat Satisfied could do more as a club Good club; Good people; need a cause to rally around good speakers/topics I have not seen a lot of community involvement I love what Rotary does on an international basis. I would like our club more engaged on international projects. We need to take advantage of club assemblies and really use them to educate members about the club and about Rotary. I think the club is one of the best club's I've seen, but since joining this Rotary Club, 90% of the activities outside of meetings has been fundraisers. It would be nice to do some other activities. I've been a Rotarian for 11 years. I wish we had more members and service more our community It is pretty boring and all we do aid cook meals and serve them. Need wider level of participation not all members participate Overall organization President this year isn't as good of a leader as we have had in the past. Public relations is lacking - newspaper articles, etc., could do more community projects Sometimes it feels like we spend more effort patting each other on the back than actually rolling up our sleeves and serving others. The projects benefit society... Would like to see more participation

8 Satisfied / somewhat satisfied Club does not do enough community activities I am satisfied but would like to see more members engaged. I wish we had a more active club. I see other clubs that take on more service projects and have more members participating. I have not seen a lot of community involvement 90% of the activities outside of meetings has been fundraisers It is pretty boring and all we do aid cook meals and serve them. Need wider level of participation; not everyone participates Sometimes it feels like we spend more effort patting each other on the back than actually rolling up our sleeves and serving others. I would like to do more volunteering. I would like to see members of our club be more ACTIVELY involved in club activities as well as District and international activities. The club could improve programs. Comments

9 Frequency More community service (local)55 Less of constant fundraising1 Be one of the best clubs in the district1 Engage in community development1 Contribute to eradicate polio1 Provide Networking opportunities 1 Provide positive leadership1 Recognize all members1 Not much/None3 Expectations of the club

10 Frequency Help increase membership6 Increase visibility of Rotary2 Personal development opportunities2 Promote the Rotary message2 Help reapply to IRS1 Support from District

11 Volunteering: In the past six months VolunteeringFemaleMaleTotal Rotarians Total63 (100%)116 (100%)179 (100%) Yes58 (92%)101 (87%)159 (89%) No5 (8%)15 (13%)20 (11%) Non- Rotarians Total52 (100%)42 (100%)94 (100%) Yes39 (75%)35 (83%)74 (79%) No13 (25%)7 (17%)20 (21%)

12 (District 5630) Non-Rotarians

13 Of Rotary? Of a Rotary Club in or near your town of residence or work? Non- Rotarians (94) Yes (100%) 94% No (0%)6% Total 100% UNK Students Yes (6%) No (93%) Awareness

14 Among 94% who are aware of Rotary club in their area Frequency Do No Know enough about Rotary 35 Time constraints 21 Engaged in other service activities/clubs 13 Past-member 7 Cost 3 Never invited 2 Members are old 1 Reason(s) for not joining Rotary

15 1236 1434 +16% (198) Membership Goal

16 Target Market Analysis 18-30 year olds Western and Central NE estimated population is: 103,217 If 30% volunteer: 30,965 If 15% are interested in Rotary: 4,645

17 Bring in Young Professionals Recommendation 1:

18 The Young & the Restless…... Love to be engaged in causes & in volunteering, BUT DO NOT KNOW ABOUT ROTARY &/OR ITS MISSION OF SERVICE. Are very social.BUT HAVE STRONG NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS ABOUT ROTARY AS RICH OLD BOYS’ CLUB. Influenced by groups of like-minded peers BUT WE RECRUIT ONE MEMBER AT A TIME.

19 The Young & the Restless…... Are culturally 21 st centuryBUT MOST OF US ARE CULTURALLY IN THE 20 TH They want to move at warp speed BUT WE DON’T. Interactors/Rotaractors/ RYLA/YEP want to be continue to be connected to Rotary BUT WE LOSE THEM.

20 The Young & the Restless…... Have a global worldviewAND WE DO TOO!! Aspire to leave the world a better place for their children Seek out mentorsAND WE HAVE MANY!! AND WE DO TOO!!

21 Strategies (YP) Branding – Separate Internal and External Sites – – Updated YP Imagery for Web Site – New Presentation Deck

22 Strategies (YP) New Volunteer Opportunities that speak to their hearts. – Contributing Personal Talents – ‘Call to Act’ over ‘Call for Membership’ –

23 Strategies (YP) Engage them first; recruit later – Implement “Try Before You Buy” format – Identify Champion(s) for YP Membership

24 Strategies (YP) Strategic Partnerships – Sponsor one of their projects Kearney YPN Grand Island YPO Sororities & Fraternities

25 Strategies (YP) Mixers (Social events) – Rotarians & YPs – Invite groups of YPs – Showcase accomplishments – Sponsor a project they choose

26 Start early Recommendation 2:

27 Strategies (Youth) Communicate “points of difference” (through face-to-face interactions) – Have events at school/college campuses – Partner with other student organizations – Highlight leadership development and international travel opportunities – Make presentations on the 4-way test

28 Strategies (Youth) Communicate “points of difference” in cyberspace Create District wide interactive Rotaract and Interact website (use weebly or wix for free) » » – Have social media presence specifically for college students – Showcase Rotary accomplishments

29 Strategies (Youth) Enhance Brand image – Charge a small membership fee – Offer Leadership training in schools and colleges – Provide Leadership incentives

30 Strategies (Youth) Increase number of Interact and Rotaract clubs in the District – Add at least one Interact and one Rotaract club per year Identify ‘faculty’ champions in schools and colleges Provide incentives to ‘faculty’ advisors of the clubs – Incentivize starting Interact and Rotaract clubs

31 Strategies (Youth) Engage and Retain students – Include them in Rotary service projects (Club, District, Global) – Track Interactors and Rotaractors students movement from HS to College to professional life


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