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RY 2014-15 Reports on Public Relations Strategy Rotary Student Loan Trust Fund Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 Award Rtn Suresh Keerthi Chair.

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1 RY 2014-15 Reports on Public Relations Strategy Rotary Student Loan Trust Fund Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 Award Rtn Suresh Keerthi Chair

2 RY 2014-15  Successful PR launch at installation Dinner with coverage from Straits Times (full page), Tatler and Prestige.  Partner Clubs RC Belur to talk about our Installation and Projects in own Meetings and Publications.  Appointed Rtn Deepu Joseph as PR for Sister Clubs and Partner Clubs to promote our joint projects in their respective bulletins.  Appointed Rtn Andy Mankiewicz to work with all Japanese Clubs.  Inducting soon, members from Media and PR to the Club. We shall promote our local events in local media.  FB is active and updated regularly thanks to President /IPP/YSC Chair Jeff Rajeck

3 RY 2014-15  Extend activities at community centres and request press coverage  Prepare press releases on major events (Rotary Day)  Update website  Engage Community leaders as Speakers and guests at Rotary meetings  Engage every Rotarian in each Project not just committee  Setup a NGO clinic to support and advise VWO in Singapore in their projects  ISC has appointed at least two club reps for each country for partnership projects

4 RY 2014-15  Contacted all debtors and their guarantors. All have agreed to pay in full within 2 months except one case.  First debtor fully paid his dues.  Hope to clear the outstanding by next year.  To discuss with Trust committee to continue the scheme but put into place proper lending procedures (legal) and also recovery methods in place.  Profile of Guarantors has also to be changed.

5 RY 2014-15  Shortlisting of the finalists completed on 18.8.2014.  Final Judging by external committee will be held on 9-10.10.14.  Award event will be at Ritz Carlton on 21st November (PLEASE SAVE DATE)

6 RY 2014-15






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