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Predictive & Preventative Maintenance Overview & Discussion

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1 Predictive & Preventative Maintenance Overview & Discussion
Presented by Jason Smith North Salt Lake City, Utah January 21, 2016 Mountain West Maximo User Group Welcome and thank you for joining us for the Preventive Maintenance Optimization webinar today. My name is Quinton GoForth and I’ll be presenting today’s ABS Group webinar. Just to give you a little background about myself, I have a: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional through the SMRP Lean Six Sigma Black Belt through Villanova University Spent more than 12 years working in nearly every role within the Maintenance Organization Just a few housekeeping items to begin: As you’re probably aware, these webinars are setup as one way communication. That said, please feel free to type questions into the chat field throughout the presentation as I will be answering questions at the end during a Q&A session. If possible, document the slide number at the beginning of your question for reference. A few days after the presentation, all attendees will receive a link via to a video recording of the webinar.

2 Jason Smith, Senior Account Executive
Agenda Jason Smith, Senior Account Executive Introduction GenesisSolutions, An ABS Group Company Considerations for Discussion Strategy Development Application Basic Framework Applying to the Maximo Overall Benefits A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

3 Seven Elements of EAM 3 GS defines EAM using the following seven Elements. These elements depict what a comprehensive asset management program consists of. Today we will be discussing PM Optimization as a Component of the Maintenance & Reliability Strategy Element A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

4 Key Building Blocks Required
4 Asset Data Standards Fundamentals Standard Asset Definition Development Asset/Location Hierarchy Execution Asset Data Standards Equipment MEL Development/Optimization Asset Criticality Ranking ACR Tool Development ACR Execution Preventive Maintenance Program Management Job Plan Revisions Implementation Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Program Management The Key Building Blocks required for PMO are: Asset Data Standards Fundamentals – Defining what an asset is and how your hierarchy will be structured. Asset Data Standards Equipment – Creation of your Master Equipment List. Asset Criticality Ranking – Ranking your Master Equipment List by Criticality to the Operation. Preventive Maintenance Program Management – Developing an effective what to manage your PM Program to maximize your PMO effort. I will briefly cover each of these Key Building Blocks over the next four slides. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

5 Why Perform PM Optimization?
5 Drivers behind PMO: Current PM tasks are generic and ineffective Too many labor hours spent on invasive PM inspections Components are replaced prematurely (still in good condition) Too much operational downtime required to perform PMs Do any of these seem to apply at your site? PMs are not effective at detecting failures proactively PMs are not focused on protecting required functions PMs appear to be more of a documentation exercise Failures occur after PMs (incorrect rebuilds or adjustments) There are a number of drivers behind PMO: The PMs are simply ineffective. The majority of your labor hours are dedicated to PMs and not allowing time for repairs or improvements. It’s difficult to get windows to execute your PMs because you don’t have enough operational downtime. If you are trying to determine if PM Optimization is something that would benefit you, determine if any of these apply to you: Your current PM failure detection is not effective. Some of your PMs appear to be more of a documentation exercise rather than an effective inspection. You’re having failures immediately after PM execution due to incorrect rebuilds or adjustments. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

6 Defining an Effective PM
6 An effective PM will answer four basic questions: What are we trying to protect? What are we trying to protect it against? What are we going to do about it? How are we going to do it? In order to initiate the development of a PMO strategy it is important to define what an effective PM is. Four basic questions that can guide you to an effective PM are as follows: What equipment components are we trying to protect? What failure modes are we trying to protect those components against? What are the required tasks to prevent the failure from occurring or how can we detect it prior to failure? And lastly, how do we properly execute the required tasks? This is a basic approach that we’ll expand upon but it provides the basis for what we’re trying to achieve with PM Optimization. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

7 PMO Prioritization: Identification Sources
7 Data Sources CMMS Work Order History (Cost and Count) Spare Parts Usage (Cost and Count) CMMS Failure Code History Operational Performance Data (Rate and Units) Equipment Alarms and Faults (PLC Data) Overall Equipment Effectiveness PdM Reports and Trends Maintenance or Operations Personnel Interviews Although Asset Criticality Ranking is our preferred methodology for prioritizing your PM Optimization effort, there are other methods that can be used. Another quick and effective method is performing a Bad Actor analysis. There are various ways to collect data to perform this type of analysis: Utilizing Cost and Count Data from the CMMS Work Order History. Trending CMMS Failure Codes. Reviewing Equipment Alarm Profiles. As well as simply interviewing key personnel with exposure to asset performance. No matter which data source is utilized the primary objective is to ensure the data is accurate. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

8 Maintenance Strategy Types
8 Basic Preventive Identification of key components requiring a visual inspection and/or those recommended by an OEM (Fixed Time Frequency). Advanced Preventive Utilizing subject matter experts with asset specific experience to enhance the Basic Maintenance strategy (Run Time Frequency). Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identification of equipment subassembly and/or component failure modes and effects as well as the mitigating actions for detection. Operator Care Basic inspection tasks that operators can perform as a part of their daily or weekly activities. Defining the Maintenance Strategies to be applied to your PMO effort is a critical step. We begin our strategy development with what we call Basic Preventive. This is the identification of key components requiring visual inspection. This is often times simply OEM recommendation with a PM frequency on a Fixed Time schedule, for example Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly. This is the basic level of maintenance and is often times ineffective in nature as most failures are random. The next progressive strategy is Advance Preventive. This is the engagement of subject matter experts with asset specific experience to enhance the Basic Maintenance strategy. In the application of this strategy a transition should be made from a Fixed Time schedule to a Run Time schedule where PMs are executed based on a number of run hours or cycles rather than a calendar based schedule. The most detailed and often effective approach is Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, often referred to as FMEA. This is the utilization of a proven failure mitigation methodology to analyze the potential failure modes and effects of assets in order to develop the most proactive maintenance strategy. This strategy often requires much more effort than the aforementioned Basic or Advanced approaches but it also provides the most precise results. Operator care is the involvement of the operators that run the equipment, providing them basic inspection tasks that can be performed routinely. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

9 Maintenance Strategy Types (cont.)
9 Run to Failure Allow the asset to fail and simply replace the entire asset. Component Replacement Identification of specific components that are more cost effective and beneficial to replace rather than inspect. Critical Spare Part Identification Identification of critical spare parts that should be stocked in the local MRO Inventory Storeroom. Lubrication Program Development of a formal lubrication program to ensure effective lubrication selection, storage, identification, route development, lubrication point tagging, task documentation, and training. Continuing with the Maintenance Strategies, Run to Failure is actually a true strategy that can be effective depending on the importance of the asset. You often don’t have time to PM every asset you have, so your least critical assets are normally candidates for this strategy. Identifying specific components for routine replacement is another strategy that is often utilized. It may be more time or cost effective to simply replace a component rather than inspect it. Identifying critical spare parts is an important step as this helps define what should stocked in your MRO storeroom. There are standard processes to follow for critical spare part identification although we will not cover them in detail during today’s webinar. Lubrication program development and enrollment is another strategy for PMO. Although we don’t cover this in detail today, I believe it’s important to note basic components to an effective lubrication program. These are lubrication selection, storage, identification, route development, lubrication point tagging, task documentation, and training. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

10 Maintenance Strategy Types (cont.)
10 Performance Monitoring Monitoring of an asset’s operating parameters (e.g., pressure, temperature, flow, speed) through trend analysis that will allow forecasting of asset failure. Predictive Technologies Utilization of predictive technologies and tools to measure an asset parameter that will point to asset failure. Motor Analysis Oil Analysis Thermal Analysis Ultrasonic Analysis Vibration Analysis The last Maintenance Strategies to be covered are focused on Predictive Maintenance. One thing I would like to clarify is that I know there are different perspectives on the difference between Predictive Maintenance and Condition Based Maintenance therefore in order to simply things for today’s webinar, I am treating them as one in the same and will refer to this approach as PdM. Performance Monitoring is the tracking of asset specific operating parameters with prompts to take action when items get out of certain ranges. In an ideal state you would have a building or process management system that automates this tracking with alarms that prompt PM generation either manually or automatically. The last five Maintenance Strategies are all Predictive Technologies. There are often various nomenclatures used for each so I have simplified them into the following types of analyses: Motor, Oil, Thermal, Ultrasonic, and Vibration. The application of the various types of Predictive Maintenance will be covered in greater detail in the next section. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

11 Predictive Maintenance Applications for
PM Optimization Since most failures are random in nature, invasive PM inspection are often not your most effective approach. Based on this, I would like to briefly cover how the various Predictive Maintenance types can be applied for PM Optimization.

12 PdM Applications - Performance Monitoring
12 Generally, any asset with installed, or easily installed, instrumentation useful in evaluating the components condition, operation, or efficiency can be trended. Information can also be obtained using portable instrumentation, e.g., an infrared thermometer. Some general applications might be: Heat exchangers Filters Pumps HVAC equipment Compressors Boilers Performance Monitoring is best applied to assets with installed or easily installed instrumentation that can provide performance or parameter feedback. It is most effective to trend this information as it provides a more comprehensive result rather than a single data point. Performance Monitoring can be applied to asset types such as heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, and boilers. Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Operations & Maintenance Best Practices A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

13 PdM Applications – Oil Analysis
13 Turbines Boiler feed pumps Electrohydraulic control systems Hydraulics Any system where oil cleanliness is directly related to longer lubricant life, decreased equipment wear, or improved equipment performance Servo valves Gearboxes Roller bearings Anti-friction bearing Oil Analysis is an effective way of evaluating if internal components are beginning to wear and tear. Metal shavings and broken down particulates can be identified through oil analysis to prompt for an oil change or more severely, a component or asset replacement. Examples of applications for oil analysis are turbines, hydraulic systems, and gearboxes. Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Operations & Maintenance Best Practices A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

14 PdM Applications – Motor Analysis
14 Incorrect torque switch settings Inaccurate shaft alignment or rotor balance Worn gear tooth wear Disengagement of the motor pinion gear Improper bearing or gear installation Insulation deterioration Turn-to-turn shorting Phase-to-phase shorting Short circuits Reversed or open coils Since motors are often the heartbeat of many assets or operations, Motor Analysis is imperative for those assets that are most critical to the operation. Motor Analysis can identify issues such as worn gear tooth wear, insulation deterioration, and short circuits. Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Operations & Maintenance Best Practices A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

15 PdM Applications – Thermal Analysis
15 MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS Steam Systems: Boilers, traps, valves, and lines Heaters and furnaces: Refractory inspections and Tube restrictions Fluids: Vessel levels and pipeline blockages ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS Transmission lines: Splices and insulators Distribution lines/systems: Splices, line clamps, disconnects, and oil switches/breakers Substations: Disconnects, cutouts, air switches, and transformers Generator Facilities: Generators and motors In-Plant Electrical Systems: Switchgears, motor control centers, cable trays, batteries and charging circuits, and power/Lighting distribution panels Thermal Analysis, often referred to as Thermography, is the easiest PdM application to understand. It can be used for PdM as well as a quick troubleshooting tool along with many of the other PdM applications. It’s primary used for electrical applications although it can be used for mechanical applications as well. Examples where Thermal Analysis can be applied are steam systems, distribution lines or systems, switchgears, and motor control centers. Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Operations & Maintenance Best Practices A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

16 PdM Applications – Ultrasonic Analysis
16 PRESSURE AND VACUUM LEAKS Compressed air Oxygen Hydrogen Heat exchangers Boilers Condensers Tanks Pipes Valves Steam traps MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS Mechanical inspection Bearings Lack of lubrication Pumps Motors Gears/Gearboxes Fans Compressors Conveyers ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS Arcing and tracking Switchgear Transformers Insulators Potheads Circuit breakers Ultrasonic Analysis is an effective way to find pressure and vacuum leaks for compressed air, tanks, pipes, as well as steam traps. It can also be used for mechanical applications such as bearings, pumps, and gearboxes. Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Operations & Maintenance Best Practices A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

17 PdM Applications – Vibration Analysis
17 Vibration monitoring and analysis can be used to discover and diagnose a wide variety of problems related to rotating equipment. The following list provides some generally accepted abnormal equipment conditions/faults where this predictive maintenance technology can be of use in defining existing problems: Unbalance Misalignment Bearing problems Gear problems Mechanical looseness Rotor rub Lastly, Vibration Analysis is one of the most common PdM application used. The vibration profile can normally indicate exactly where the problem is and what type of issue is it. Vibration is often used for identifying items such as misalignment, bearing problems, and mechanical looseness. Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Operations & Maintenance Best Practices A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

18 P-F Curve Asset Condition Time P-F Curve Point (P) Potential Failure
Asset failure is detectable Point (P) Potential Failure P-F Curve Asset failure begins Asset function begins to degrade Asset function fails to meet desired performance Point (F) Functional Failure Asset Condition Time Normal Urgent Emergent Corrective action response time P-F Interval Asset function stops Animation X7 Clarification (Click 1) Asset failure begins. (Click 2) The point at which Potential Failure begins is Point “P” (for Potential), where the asset failure is now detectable. (Click 3) We have less time prior to Point “F” at this point, and as we move closer to Point “F”, we also move closer to being completely reactive to the Functional Failure. When we become reactive, we expend more resources (money) on the issue, while also suffering any of the other consequences of failure. If the asset is critical and we allow this to happen, the consequences could be catastrophic to the business. (Click 4) The point at which Functional Failure begins is Point “F” (for Functional), where the asset doesn’t meet desired performance therefore it has failed. (Click 5) Asset function completely stops. Note the asset can still function between Point “F” and the function stopping, it is just below the desired performance threshold which can lead to issues such as quality or regulatory deviations. (Click 6) The difference between Point “P” and Point “F” is the P-F Interval or window of time to address potential failures. (Click 7) Note as your failure detection progresses from Point “P” to Point “F”, your corrective action response time goes from Normal to Urgent to Emergent.

19 P-F Curve “Life is better at the top of the curve!” Asset Condition
P-F Curve (cont.) Asset failure is detectable by PdM Point (P) Potential Failure P-F Curve Asset failure begins Asset failure is detectable by PM Asset failure is detectable by Operators Point (F) Functional Failure Asset Condition Time Life at the Top Time to Plan and Schedule Parts can be Ordered Less Parts on Site Less Costly Repairs Less Impact on Operations Data to Analyze Failure Time to Analyze Failure Less Rework Life at the Bottom Plan on the fly Expedite Parts Parts Not Available Extended Outages Hurry and Fix It Fast No Time to Analyze Failure High Impact on Operations Rework Asset function stops “Life is better at the top of the curve!” Animation X6 Clarification (Click 1) Predictive Maintenance (PdM) can be used at Point “P” to detect failures. (Click 2) Preventive Maintenance (PM) or inspection can be used at this point to detect failures. A Fixed Time PM may have been completed just before this point and the failure wasn’t detected, then we go a whole PM cycle before we have the next opportunity to detect the failure. Since the point of failure occurrence is random, there is no way to design a Fixed Time PM that is anything better than an educated guess when it comes to assigning correct frequency. This is why understanding and assigning asset criticality rankings is so vital to RBM. This is why we take the time and effort to analyze the failure modes and effects for critical assets, and use more expensive technology to monitor the condition of the asset rather than expose ourselves to the risk of the critical component failing. Conversely, if an asset failure results in minimal to no consequences that are critical to the business, we can allow the asset to run to failure and simply develop an asset replacement plan instead of proactive maintenance. (Click 3) At Point “F” the failure is likely detectable by an operator or the naked eye. We begin to suffer the consequences of failure and move our maintenance activities into a reactive state. (Click 4) Life at the Bottom (Click 5) Life at the Top (Click 6) Life is better at the top of the curve In summary, the greater the consequences of failure (criticality), the more important it is to detect failure as close to Point “P” as possible, because we cannot allow Point “F” to be reached under any circumstances. By linking the level of failure analysis and the type of maintenance to criticality, we can use the P-F Curve to show that: Real time condition monitoring is best Predictive Maintenance (PdM) is next best for critical assets Fixed Time Preventive Maintenance (PM) should not be used except as a last resort for critical assets These concepts apply regardless of the terms used to define criticality, or the type of asset or technology used in any particular industry to effect maintenance.

20 Applying PM Optimization to the CMMS

21 CMMS PM and Job Plan Entry
21 Input your developed PM’s and associated Job Plans from your ACR based PM Optimization effort into the CMMS . All optimized PMs and their supporting Job Plans should be documented in the CMMS using the Job Plan and PM modules. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

22 Best Practice Maintenance Labor Hour Mix
22 In an ideal state you would have an 80/20 mix of your Maintenance Labor Hours where 80% is Proactive and 20% was Reactive. The key is to defining the various Work Types within your CMMS and tracking your Labor Hours effectively. Note PM Inspection and PdM Inspection account for 30%, 15% each, and that the resultant work from these inspections account for 50%, 15% PM Results and 35% PdM Results. This work is all considered Proactive Maintenance. Reactive Maintenance types are classified as Emergency Reactive and Planned Reactive. Emergency Reactive are failures that were not found proactively requiring immediate attention. The Drive Belt breaking on a critical asset. Planned Reactive are failures that were not found proactively but don’t require immediate attention where the work can be planned in advance. A Pump that fails but has a redundant backup that kicks on automatically. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

23 Benefits Achieved through
PM Optimization

24 Quantity of PM Generated (Yearly) Required Labor Hours (Yearly)
PMO Case Study 24 Overview Site Maintenance Team executed PMO on pumps Results Substantial reduction in required labor hours Drastically reduced the number of work orders to manage by consolidating multiple PMs for one asset 58% reduction in the number of generated PMs 35% reduction in required PM labor on pumps ($99,500 per year) This slide is a case study that was performed a few years back. It’s focus was on performing PMO on all pumps. After the PMO was completed, the improvements were drastic. There was a substantial reduction in the number of PMs which lead to reduced labor hours and the number of work order generated. The PMs were streamlined and condensed and the content was enhanced to address failure modes. As a result the total number of PM generated each year was reduced by 58% and the labor hours by 35%. The reduction in labor hours was equivalent to a $99,500 savings each year. Before PMO After PMO Percent Reduction Quantity of PM Generated (Yearly) 1,215 PMs 510 PMs 58% Required Labor Hours (Yearly) 2,552 Hours 1,659 Hours 35% A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

25 PM Optimization Summary
25 The purpose of PMO is to refine maintenance tasks and frequencies supporting a particular physical asset or assets Although there are a number of benefits to performing PMO, increasing your Mean Time between Failure is one that will have a tremendous impact on the entire operation In simple terms PMO is performing the right work, at the right frequency, the right way Refine your maintenance strategy with supporting data or industry bench marking. Perform the right work, at the right time, the right way. Mean Time between Failure is an excellent measure for the effectiveness of your Maintenance or Reliability Strategy. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

26 You will gain Subject Matter Expertise Documentation
EAM Strategy Benefits 26 You will gain Subject Matter Expertise Documentation Eliminate wasted maintenance labor hours on non-value added tasks PM tasks address known modes of failure Documented and formal strategy for asset reliability *Improve the level of satisfaction with the operations team *Improve the confidence in the organization with the effectiveness of the maintenance delivery functions Prevent knowledge from walking out the door from retirement or unplanned turnover through documentation of subject matter expertise. PM tasks are focused on identified failure modes. Documentation of a formal strategy for asset reliability. Improve the organizations confidence in maintenance and reliability effectiveness. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

27 EAM Strategy Impact on the Bottom Line
27 Optimizing your EAM Strategy places a great deal of focus on: Reduced Downtime Improved Efficiency Reducing Labor Costs Reducing Material Costs These are all areas that PMO has a direct impact on therefore this optimization methodology has a direct and positive impact on the business’ bottom line. A Fully Integrated Global EAM Service Provider

28 Predictive & Preventive Maintenance
Jason Smith Senior Account Executive (317)

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