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Manufacturing Modern Chinese Citizens 1. “National” Identity and History—Concepts, Issues, Problems 2. China as a Case Study: --“Traditional” identities.

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Presentation on theme: "Manufacturing Modern Chinese Citizens 1. “National” Identity and History—Concepts, Issues, Problems 2. China as a Case Study: --“Traditional” identities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manufacturing Modern Chinese Citizens 1. “National” Identity and History—Concepts, Issues, Problems 2. China as a Case Study: --“Traditional” identities before the nation- state—China as a dynastic empire ruled by Confucian ideology --Manufacturing national identities in China—Nation, ethnicity, class

2 Theories of National Identity As if “identity”, “nationalism” are not hard enough to define, put them together…. A.D. Smith: there is: 1)a civic territorial model (Western)—national identity based on territory, legal-political community, common culture and civic ideology 2)ethnic-genealogical community (non- Western)—common descent, ethnic, blood ties

3 J.G. Kellas: Less emphasis on geographic boundaries 3 categories of national identity: --Ethnic national identity --Social national identity—share community, shared culture --official national identity—legal citizenship of nation-state







10 Confucian Culturalism Confucianism—a political philosophy based on moral order attributed to philosopher Confucius (551-479 BCE) Moral and Social Order based on hierarchy: ruler over ruled, men over women, elders over youth Proper ruler is like a benevolent father-figure

11 China’s Dynastic World View A system of foreign relations/conceptualization of world based on recognition of China as moral/political/cultural centre of the world “Culturalism” as juxtaposed to nationalism— Dynastic China a cultural community without hard territorial/ethnic boundaries Recognition of China’s centrality determines one’s participation in this system—regardless of other ethnic/political identity



14 New Citizens for a New Nation In 1911-the Qing dynasty, the last of the dynastic order, falls from power and a Republic is formed in China—China becomes a Nation Failure of the 1 st Republic to maintain central power leads to significant debate regarding modern identity By the 1910s-1920s: intellectuals and political elites call for a “New Culture” in China, and a new national identity—based on wholesale embrace of Western values


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