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“National borders aren’t even speed bumps on the information superhighway.” (email) PRAYER Mt. 6:5-15.

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Presentation on theme: "“National borders aren’t even speed bumps on the information superhighway.” (email) PRAYER Mt. 6:5-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 “National borders aren’t even speed bumps on the information superhighway.” (email) PRAYER Mt. 6:5-15

2 When To Pray Convenience –The “Lord’s Prayer” –Neh. 2:1-4 –Lk. 3:21 (Mk. 1:10) If while walking then while jogging, running, riding, driving. “In the shower?” Yes. But there is a difference between convenience and consideration.

3 When To Pray cont. Conscience –We’re commanded to pray, 1 Thess. 5:17 Without ceasing is a figure of speech meaning habitual prayer –Dn. 6:10 –Other habits: brush teeth, read news, coffee, check email/blogs, call friends, exercise, walk dog Long prayers. Jesus prayed all night

4 Why Pray? Not to impress men, 5 –Sometimes we will be seen praying –The problem isn’t being seen, but wanting to be seen Not to inform God, 8 For a reward, 6 –“Reward,” 9 times in chs. 5-7! – One reward: We grow closer to God Ill. Love 1 Sm. 14:36-37

5 Where To Pray 6, inner room –Ct. 5, motive –There is no exclusive location The wonderful thing about prayer is that it works from anywhere!

6 How To Pray 7, meaningless repetition –Repetition can be meaningful, Mt. 26:44 –Repetition can lead to rote Gentiles: 1 Kg. 18:26; Muslims, “O ye who believe! Remember Allāh with much remembrance.” (Sura 33:41) Jews, the Shema –Rabbis said: “If a man says his prayers as if to get through a set task, that is no prayer.” (Barclay.Matthew.1.194)

7 How To Pray cont. “When a man begins to think more of how he is praying than of what he is praying, his prayer dies upon his lips.” (Barclay.Matthew.1.197)

8 Who Should Pray God does not hear the prayer of the unrepentant man –1 Pe. 3:7

9 Mt. 6:9-13 Some take the wedding ceremony approach. We never see this prayer again. Luke’s version is different, Lk. 11:2-4 This prayer was not an assignment, but a pattern, 9a, in this way

10 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name (9) Father –This means nothing to some, 5:3…48 –This means everything to others. Prometheus Heaven, distance Hallowed –The key to a Proper Salutation, honor. –Root, “holy”

11 Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (10) His kingdom has come, Col. 1:13 His kingdom is coming. –Parallelism, Your will be done –Col. 3:15; Rm. 6:1-12 As it is in heaven, Dn. 7:9-10, 9:23

12 Dispensationalism –This assumes only good is done in heaven. Dn. 10:18-21 –We do see His will being done on earth, Ge. 26:5 Can we really pray “Your will be done,” if we disobey Him? Priorities, Your will

13 Give us this day our daily bread (11) Provisions Daily, Ex. 16:4, 13-18 This requires action –“Prayer, like faith, without works is dead.” (Barclay.Matthew.1.219)

14 And Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (12) Propitiation Some say no prayer is complete without a petition for forgiveness. Debts –Financial term. Failure to meet expectations. –Verb form, Rm. 15:1, ought Ja. 4:17, …sin Lk 11:4, sin

15 As we have forgiven others (12) You will be hurt Precondition –Cf. 14-15. –Miss this and you’ve missed it all! Mt. 18:21-35

16 And Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil (13) Protection God permits us to be tempted, 1 Co. 10:13 God leads us to be tested, Mt. 4:1 –Some believe God micro-manages lives –Ja. 4:7

17 For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen (13) “Doxology,” 130 AD Selflessness Amen –“The word itself implies a confident resting of the soul in God.” (ACC)

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