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1.Participation in ITMA Exhibition (14-20 Nov) 2.Meeting of AUTEX (15 Nov) 3.Visit to Politecnico di Torino (20 Nov) 4.Visit to Turkish Universities (21-26.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Participation in ITMA Exhibition (14-20 Nov) 2.Meeting of AUTEX (15 Nov) 3.Visit to Politecnico di Torino (20 Nov) 4.Visit to Turkish Universities (21-26."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Participation in ITMA Exhibition (14-20 Nov) 2.Meeting of AUTEX (15 Nov) 3.Visit to Politecnico di Torino (20 Nov) 4.Visit to Turkish Universities (21-26 Nov)

3 1.Stall in ITMA in R&D Hall (More than 300 delegates) a.Visit of managers and CEO from Pakistan industry b.Visit of professors from foreign universities c.Visit of small manufacturers 2.Visit to exhibitors/manufacturers Participation in ITMA Exhibition (Milan-Italy)

4 1.Stall in ITMA in R&D Hall (More than 300 delegates) a.Visit of professors from foreign universities 1. College of Textiles, NC State university showed interest to work with NTU. They agreed to submit joint research proposals for USAID-HEC grants (Jan 2016). They also invite NTU’s professors to visit their facilities so that a long term relation can be established. 2. ENSAIT France agreed to sign MOU with NTU (Ceremony during Rector’s visit to Europe) and is willing to work on joint Master and PhD research as well as to host research students. 3. ENSISA France willing to host NTU’s MS students for one semester (research) and hopefully will provide accommodation to the visiting students. 4. University of Leeds is willing to collaborate with NTU in color chemistry 5. Sinshu university Japan agreed to start collaboration in the research and student/faculty exchange. 6. Amir Kabir University Iran is willing to sign MOU and work together with NTU in the domain of medical textiles, nano-technology, polymeric composites Participation in ITMA Exhibition (Milan-Italy)

5 7. Polytech Univ Hong Kong showed interest in collaboration in research and agreed to host some MS students and to one jointly supervised PhD from next year. 8. ….. Showed willing to start student exchange program with NTU and agreed to start working to sign an MOU. 9. TU Dresden, Achen 10. VTT finland agreed to start joint research on cotton products and its treatments. Participation in ITMA Exhibition (Milan-Italy)

6 Meeting of AUTEX a.Major research areas for European funding in coming 5 years are Technical Textiles especially smart textiles and medical textiles b.Problems of research proposal writing for academicians c.Textile Research Journal d.Upcoming AUTEX Conference

7 Visit to Politecnico di Torino, Italy -Meeting with professors working on textiles/materials -Presentations of PhD students/researchers from Politecnico -Major research areas of mutual concern: -Textile comfort -Dye dissolution -Composite materials -Numerical Analysis/ Finite element methods -Agreed to work on joint research projects and PhD theses, student and faculty exchange, host master/PhD students for short periods. -One professor who is visiting Uzbakistan will visit NTU in first week of December -One faculty member from NTU will be invited in next year. - Meeting with Responsible International office -Showed interest to host undergraduate students for one semester -Will prepare documents for establishing an MOU between NTU and PDT

8 1.Textile engineering, Materials departments of Marmara university (23 Nov) 2.Textile Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University (24 Nov) 3.Fibres and polymers department of Bursa Technical University (25 Nov) 4.Vocational school and textile engineering department of Uludag university (25 Nov) 5.Polymer research group of KOC university (26 Nov) 6.Testing equipment manufacturing factory (26 Nov) Visit to Turkish Universities

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