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Progress Report!for 2003 INM Operational system in use at the end of 2003 (I) The operational system is still based on HIRLAM version.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Report!for 2003 INM Operational system in use at the end of 2003 (I) The operational system is still based on HIRLAM version."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Report!for 2003 INM

2 Operational system in use at the end of 2003 (I) The operational system is still based on HIRLAM version 4.6.2 (see previous LAM Newsletters). Two suites are currently operational at INM: OPR (0.5 degrees, 31L) and HIR (0.2 degrees, 31L), (See figures for integration domains). The new mainframe (CRAY X1) was installed this summer and our group is embarked, first, on the acceptance process and, second, on the implementation of a new suite on the X1. An independent 3-hourly assimilation with short cut-off time is also run to assist nowcasting activities. Apart from its use in the operational forecasting system, HIRLAM data are also used as input to different applications: a) trajectories and diffusion models to determine hazardous emissions; b) forecast automation: generation of written forecasts from direct NWP outputs and statistical adapted products based on Multimeteo software; c) sea state applications.

3 Operational system in use at the end of 2003 (II)

4 Features of the new CRAY X1 and of the foreseeable new suite  CRAY X1 (40 vector processors) [July 2003] + CRAY X1E (32 processors) [End of 2004]  The first implementation supplies sustained 140 Gflops using the IFS code, whereas the final one supplies 360 Gflops.  Tentatively and depending on the ongoing tests, the INM’s assimilation and forecasting system will consist of a synoptic suite with European + North Atlantic domain (approx. 726 x 335 x 60, 0.15º) and a mesoscale suite with Iberian peninsula domain (0.07º). Latest version of HIRLAM available at the implementation time (3D-VAR assim., best physics options,...) will be used (6.2?).

5 Verification and archive  The HIRLAM_INM verification bulletin can be consulted on-line: http://www.inm.es  The operational archive for HIRLAM 0.5º (0.2º) dates back to March 1995 (October 1995).


7 Research and development (I)  Condensation processes. The Kain-Fritsch+Rash-Kristjansson scheme is still under testing both in long runs and case studies previous to its implementation on the reference system (García-Moya, Calvo). Contribution to the EUROCS EU Project (with 1D and 3D simulations) (Calvo).  Surface issues (analysis + parameterization): i) alternative snow depth analysis based on OI (see (Cansado & Navascués 2003)); ii) Re-computation of background error statistics for T2m and RH2m analyses (Martín); iii) Explicit soil moisture freezing/melting algorithm (see (Parodi et al. 2003)); iv) Impact of new physiographic databases (Fernández); v) ELDAS EU Project to develop and test a new algorithm for soil moisture assimilation (Parodi, Navascués, Rodríguez); vi) Implementation and tests of a new soil moisture variational assimilation algorithm (see (Balsamo et. al. 2003)) (Navascués); vii) surface analysis as nowcasting tool (Cansado); viii) Evaluation of the surface package in seasonal runs and against fields experiments (EFEDA, RhoneAggr) (Parodi, Navascués, Rodriguez).

8 Research and development (II)  Upper air analysis: work on the assimilation of GB GPS (Sánchez, Navascués) (TOUGH Project), radar wind and high resolution winds from geostationary satellite (Geijo)  Coupling physics-dynamics in the frame of the 2TLSLSI scheme. Noise removal in high resolution (Martínez)  Preparation for short range EPS, based on a multi-analysis, multi- model, multi-BCs ensemble (Santos, Santos, Escribá García-Moya).

9 Future The arrival of the new computer (CRAY X1) and the tasks associated with the installation and testing of the new suite will condition the activity of the INM’s group along the next year. Provisional schedule: New deterministic suite (Jan. 2004), experimental SREPS (Dec. 2004), operational SREPS (Dec. 2005). Most of the research and development activity will be developed in the frame of the next HIRLAM6 project, particularly in the area of physics and surface assimilation.

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