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Martin Library Resources Print & Digital. Are your students college ready???

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1 Martin Library Resources Print & Digital

2 Are your students college ready???



5 How can library resources such as the books & databases help our students be successful in college?


7 See what you have checked out, place holds, and stream audiobooks.

8 use e+ID# for username and password.

9 Click on My Info to see what you have checked out.

10 Click on the Catalog tab to look up books in the catalog.

11 You can create lists of favorite resources here. Explore your options. If there’s a title at another school, we can request it for you.

12 Streamable/downloadable Ebooks & audiobooks 344 Follett ebooks - mostly for research 117 audiobooks - mostly young adult and classic titles Download the Brytewave K-12 app OR go to http://gofollett.com Student username: ID#Student Password: ID# Faculty username: e+ID#Faculty Password: e+ID# *Will use your data when you stream instead of downloading!

13 Click on home tab to access the databases & encyclopedias.


15 Online Enyclopedias (up-to-date, reliable general info) World Book “Advanced” has high school level articles “Discover” is for struggling learners. “Dramatic Learning” contains plays and ancillaries The Spanish language encyclopedia includes a visual dictionary. Britannica Contains high school level encyclopedias, biographies,news, atlas, and country comparison feature. Find articles and lessons based on standard under Educators section.

16 Facts on File Contains the following databases: Ferguson’s Career Reference Center World Geography and Culture Online American History African-American History American Indian Ancient & Medieval History Modern World History Bloom’s Literature - author biographies and criticism Health Reference Center Curriculum Resource Center Science Online

17 ABC-Clio Contains the following Databases: American History World History: Ancient & Medieval Eras World History: The Modern Era Exports citation directly to easybib or you can copy/paste.

18 Gale Used by public libraries and colleges like TCC Contains several specific databases including Opposing Viewpoints, Science in Context, Biographies in Context, and Literary Reference. Contains general topic databases like Student Resource Center and Academic One File. The only database (so far) integrated with Gale (log in via Gale, add notes, save to Google Drive) You can search all databases at once with Power Search. Make sure to select the full-text limiter and sort by relevance if necessary!

19 Testing and Education Reference Center You must click on the icon for this database to access Each user must set up his or her own username/password College, career, and financial aide information Practice tests for some STAAR, AP, CLEP, college entrance, ASVAB, and certification tests. Teachers can’t access student results but they can ask students to print or screenshot their test results.

20 EBSCO EBSCOhost databases used a lot at colleges like UTA Student Research Center - for H.S. and Middle School Also contains the following databases: Literary Reference, Business Search Complete, & 2 health databases Explora is for struggling learners. Make sure to select the full-text limiter and sort by relevance if necessary! You must click on print and select citation style to see the citation.

21 Other Databases for you to Explore American Indian History & Culture American West

22 Library Website Library Calendar Research Resources & Tutorials Book News Helpful Links … and much more!

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