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Finding Your Major Donor. Major Gifts Cycle Research Pull reports Segment Identify Capacity Motivation Relationship Qualify Interests Bring closer Involve.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Your Major Donor. Major Gifts Cycle Research Pull reports Segment Identify Capacity Motivation Relationship Qualify Interests Bring closer Involve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Your Major Donor

2 Major Gifts Cycle Research Pull reports Segment Identify Capacity Motivation Relationship Qualify Interests Bring closer Involve Cultivate AskThankSteward

3 10,000+ contacts 1.Pull lists (Reduce to 1,000+) 2.Review the lists (Reduce to 100+) 3.Qualify the lists with volunteers (Reduce to 50+) 4.Conduct more research (Reduce to 20) 5.Create Donor Profiles 6.Plan Donor Strategy (Reduce to the first 10) top 20 prospects

4 Gift Pyramid Ladder of Engagement to Greater Philanthropy

5 Example of Pulling Reports Filter in DPO using: P2G Score, Total Amount Given Lifetime, Total Number of Lifetime Gifts, Camp Alumni

6 Sample Prospect List P2GFirst NameLast Name All Donation Amount All Donations Number Last Donation Date Last Donation AmontNotes 1/0LoriGoldCA $17,000.00131/7/14 $4,500.00Already paying for Basket ball court 1/1JohnGoldmanCT $480.00201/15/14 $10.00Need to know more 1/1KarenDavisCT $1,270.00212/31/13 $1,000.00 Parent of Camper with Special needs 1/2DianeAuckmanWA $6,431.541012/31/13 $1,000.00Past Camp Doctor 1/1NeilNessCA $5,000.0019/6/10 $5,000.00Grinspoon Match for Dinning Hall 1/0MonicaDoverVA $6,202.5024/12/10 $6,150.00Who is she? 1/3KimberlyRubinCA $19,669.183711/26/13 $300.00 Eventually may give but suspect not at this time 1/0AndrewSilvermanCT $4,500.0033/15/13 $1,500.00Alum, Kids going to computer camp.

7 What do you need to know? Capacity – to make a major gift Motivation – Why they care and why they are positioned to give generously if asked Relationship – to camp or the people currently connected to camp

8 Involving Volunteers Review list of Prospects Open door to prospects Strategize the ask Review the Case for Support Chair or serve on a Campaign Committee Great volunteer experiences => Loyal donors

9 When Qualifying a donor, you are trying to figure out: The right person to ask the right person for the right project for the right amount in the right place at the right time

10 Intelligence Human Insights On-line Research Capacity Motivation Relationship


12 Major Gifts Cycle Research Pull reports Segment Identify Capacity Motivation Relationship Qualify Interests Bring closer Involve Cultivate AskThankSteward


14 MAJOR GIFTS IDENTIFY Create affinity Build relationship Size of gift usually correlates with depth of relationship with camp and with solicitor SOLICIT Consistent acknowledgement of donor Regular communication with donor Emphasize impact of gift on camp success Association with your camp Giving history Capacity/giving potential Data mining Special areas of interest Other charitable interests Review annual reports from similar organizations CULTIVATE Face-to-face solicitations most effective means Restrict to small percentage of prospects with highest potential STEWARD © Doris Feinberg, CFRE The Prospero Group, LLC

15 How close to our mission? Board Members Current Parents/Staff Alumni/Past Parents/Past Staff/ DONORS? Conservative Movement / Supporters in Jewish Community / Vendors

16 IDENTIFY INFORM INTEREST INVOLVE INVEST Five I’s of Cultivation © Doris Feinberg, CFRE The Prospero Group, LLC

17 Cultivation Strategy Invite to campVisit CampFollow-up CoffeeProposalSolicit March June/July August September November Each Donor has a plan Every month has a touch point Pick a specific month for the ask Work backwards from the ask Plan, monitor the plan, follow the plan

18 Major Gifts Cycle Research Pull reports Segment Identify Capacity Motivation Relationship Qualify Interests Bring closer Involve Cultivate AskThankSteward

19 WHY PEOPLE DO GIVE  Appreciate the camp experience  To help solve a problem  Desire to get more involved  To belong or be recognized  Sense of community  Can’t say “no”  For the person who is asking  To pay tribute to someone  Tzedakah  Tax considerations

20 WHY PEOPLE DON’T GIVE  They are not asked  They don’t and won’t give to anything  They don’t feel connected to the cause  Timing is wrong

21 THE FACE-TO-FACE SOLICITATION BEFORE YOU BEGIN Call or send a letter, then call ASK for the appointment Invite spouse or partner, if appropriate Assert yourself: provide 2-3 dates and locations for the appointment Just confirm the meeting; this is not the time to solicit! Avoid further discussion; end the call FACE-TO-FACE MEETING Report results to appropriate people Send a short, hand- written note Provide additional materials to donor (especially if requested) Call donor with an invitation to camp, presentation, or VIP introduction Remember: follow- up is an ongoing process Make your own gift Identify and start with your “best” prospects Hone the strategy Know ask amount and commit to that ask Review the appropriate method of giving and named gift opportunity to propose, if appropriate SECURE AN APPOINTMENT Open Acknowledge past support Find common bond Make the case Negotiate Manage objections Close FOLLOW UP © Doris Feinberg, CFRE The Prospero Group, LLC

22 Please Join Us Why this project? Why this amount? Why now? Why me? “I hope that you will join me in support of this Camp by pledging $________.”

23 All Together Now

24 Gift Pyramid Love Camp More

25 Tuesday, June 9 th Webinar

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