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Early Explorers Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon Jacques Cartier Christopher Newport.

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2 Early Explorers Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon Jacques Cartier Christopher Newport

3 Christopher Columbus 1492 Who financed Columbus’ voyage? Queen Isabella of Spain What were the names of Columbus’ ships? Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria What was Columbus’ major discovery? San Salvador, Bahamas

4 Juan Ponce de Leon 1513 What state did he discover? Florida What was he searching for that he thought could keep him young? The Fountain of Youth

5 Jacques Cartier 1535 Where was Cartier from? France What was he looking for on his voyage? A way through the America’s to China. What did he discover? Quebec, Canada

6 Christopher Newport 1606 What company did Newport work for? The Virginia Company What were the names of the 3 ships Newport sailed with? Susan Constant, Godspeed, Discovery What was his most important discovery? Jamestown, VA

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