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Published byMuriel Walters Modified over 9 years ago
1. Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear, Things I would ask him to tell me if he were here. Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea, Stories of Jesus, tell them to me. 2. Oh, let me hear how the children stood round his knee. I shall imagine his blessings resting on me; Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace, All in the love-light of Jesus’ face. 3. Tell me, in accents of wonder, how rolled the sea, Tossing the boat in a tempest on Galilee! And how the Master, ready and kind, Chided the billows and hushed the wind. Words: W. H. Parker, 1845–1929 Music: Frederic A. Challinor, 1866–1952 Enr. Act. 3
What are some of the things we use that need power to work? What other kinds of power are there?
Today we are going to learn about a power that is the greatest power of all, greater even than the forces of nature. Today we are going to learn about a power that is the greatest power of all, greater even than the forces of nature. It is the power of God. It is the power of God. We call it the priesthood. We call it the priesthood.
“Lesson 15: Jesus Christ Used His Priesthood Power to Bless Others,” Primary 7: New Testament, 50
Jesus and His disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus fell asleep. The wind began to blow very hard, and the waves were filling the boat with water.
The disciples were afraid that it would sink. The disciples were afraid that it would sink. They woke Jesus and asked Him to help. They woke Jesus and asked Him to help.
The Savior commanded the wind to stop blowing and the waves to go down. The Savior commanded the wind to stop blowing and the waves to go down. The The wind stopped, and the sea became calm.
Jesus asked the disciples why they were afraid. He said that they should have more faith. They wondered what kind of man could command even the wind and the sea. They wondered what kind of man could command even the wind and the sea.
How did Jesus’ disciples feel during the storm? How did Jesus’ disciples feel during the storm? Let’s read Mark 4:38 Let’s read Mark 4:38Mark 4:38Mark 4:38 Why did they think Jesus didn’t care about them? Why did they think Jesus didn’t care about them? How do you know Heavenly Father cares about you? How do you know Heavenly Father cares about you?
His His power— the power of God How did Jesus still the storm? How did Jesus still the storm? Let’s read Mark 4:39 Let’s read Mark 4:39Mark 4:39Mark 4:39 What power did Jesus use to still the storm? What power did Jesus use to still the storm?
What do we call the power and authority of God? Let’s read D D D D D &&&& CCCC 1 1 1 1 2222 4444 :::: 1111 2222 3333 The priesthood After calming the storm, what did Jesus ask his disciples? Let’s read M M M M M aaaa rrrr kkkk 4 4 4 4 :::: 4444 0000
How did the disciples feel about Jesus after he calmed the storm? How did the disciples feel about Jesus after he calmed the storm? Let’s read Matthew 8:27 & Mark 4:41 Let’s read Matthew 8:27 & Mark 4:41 Matthew 8:27Mark 4:41 Matthew 8:27Mark 4:41
Some friends of John the Baptist told Jesus that John had been killed by the king. Some friends of John the Baptist told Jesus that John had been killed by the king. When Jesus heard this, He went to a place near the Sea of Galilee to be alone. When Jesus heard this, He went to a place near the Sea of Galilee to be alone.
Many people knew where He was. M More than 5,000 people followed Him there hoping that He would teach them. Jesus taught them many things. Jesus taught them many things. It was time to eat, but most of the people did not have any food. It was time to eat, but most of the people did not have any food.
His disciples wanted Jesus to send the people to the nearest villages to buy food. His disciples wanted Jesus to send the people to the nearest villages to buy food. Jesus told the disciples to see if anyone had brought food. Jesus told the disciples to see if anyone had brought food. They found a boy who had five loaves of bread and two small fish. They found a boy who had five loaves of bread and two small fish.
Jesus told all the people to sit down. Jesus told all the people to sit down. He blessed the bread and the fish and broke the food into pieces. He blessed the bread and the fish and broke the food into pieces. The disciples gave the food to the people. The disciples gave the food to the people. There was more than enough for everyone. There was more than enough for everyone.
Why do you think the people followed Jesus into the wilderness? What did Jesus do before he performed the miracle of feeding the five thousand? What did Jesus do before he performed the miracle of feeding the five thousand? Let’s read Matthew 14:14 Let’s read Matthew 14:14Matthew 14:14Matthew 14:14 Let’s read Mark 6:33 Let’s read Mark 6:33 Mark 6:33 Mark 6:33
What power did Jesus use to heal the sick? What power did Jesus use to heal the sick? The power of the priesthood. The power of the priesthood. Let’s read Acts 10:38 Let’s read Acts 10:38Acts 10:38Acts 10:38 Who is the source of the power that blesses our lives? Who is the source of the power that blesses our lives?
What power did Jesus use to provide enough food for everyone? What power did Jesus use to provide enough food for everyone? What was miraculous about the amount of food that was left? What was miraculous about the amount of food that was left? Let’s read Mark 6:42–44 & John 6:12–13 Let’s read Mark 6:42–44 & John 6:12–13Mark 6:42–44John 6:12–13Mark 6:42–44John 6:12–13
One day a man asked the Savior to help his son. One day a man asked the Savior to help his son. The boy had an evil spirit in him. The boy had an evil spirit in him. The disciples had already tried to heal his son, but they could not. The disciples had already tried to heal his son, but they could not. Jesus had the man bring his son to Him. Jesus had the man bring his son to Him.
When the boy came, the evil spirit made him fall to the ground. When the boy came, the evil spirit made him fall to the ground. The father said that it had been in him since he was a child. The father said that it had been in him since he was a child. The Savior asked how long the evil spirit had been in the boy. The Savior asked how long the evil spirit had been in the boy.
Jesus said that He could heal the son if the father had faith. The father began to cry. He said that he had faith. He said that he had faith. But he asked Jesus to help him have even more faith. But he asked Jesus to help him have even more faith.
Jesus commanded the evil spirit to come out of the boy and never go into him again. Jesus commanded the evil spirit to come out of the boy and never go into him again. The evil spirit was angry. It hurt the boy again. Then it obeyed Jesus and left.
The boy was so quiet that many people said he was dead. The boy was so quiet that many people said he was dead. But But Jesus took his hand and helped him stand up. The The boy was healed. The evil spirit was gone.
Later the disciples asked Jesus why they had not been able to make the evil spirit leave the boy. Later the disciples asked Jesus why they had not been able to make the evil spirit leave the boy. Jesus told them that sometimes they needed to fast and pray in order for a person to be healed. Jesus told them that sometimes they needed to fast and pray in order for a person to be healed.
What was wrong with the man’s son? Let’s read L L L L L uuuu kkkk eeee 9 9 9 9 :::: 3333 8888 –––– 4444 0000 What did the man ask Jesus to do? What was Jesus able to do for the boy? Let’s read L L L L L uuuu kkkk eeee 9 9 9 9 :::: 4444 2222 How did the people who were with Jesus react to this miracle? Let’s read L L L L L uuuu kkkk eeee 9 9 9 9 :::: 4444 3333
Who else had the man gone to for help? Who else had the man gone to for help? Let’s read Luke 9:40 Let’s read Luke 9:40Luke 9:40Luke 9:40 Why do you think the disciples couldn’t help the man and his son? Why do you think the disciples couldn’t help the man and his son? Why did Jesus call his disciples “faithless”? Why did Jesus call his disciples “faithless”? Let’s read Luke 9:41 Let’s read Luke 9:41Luke 9:41Luke 9:41
Why do you think faith is necessary for the power of the priesthood to work? Why do you think faith is necessary for the power of the priesthood to work?
After feeding the 5,000, Jesus went up on a mountain to pray. After feeding the 5,000, Jesus went up on a mountain to pray. His disciples took a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. When night came, the wind started to blow, and the waves became high.
He was walking on the water to get to the boat. The disciples saw Him walking on the water. They were afraid. They thought He was a spirit. Jesus called to them, “It is I; be not afraid.” Late that night, Jesus came to join His disciples.
Peter wanted to walk on the water too. Jesus told Peter to come to Him. Peter Peter climbed out of the boat. He He began to walk on the water toward the Savior.
Because the wind was blowing hard, Peter became afraid. He began to sink into the water and cried out to Jesus to save him. The Savior took Peter’s hand. He asked Peter why he did not have more faith.
When When Jesus and Peter came to the boat, the storm stopped. All the disciples worshipped the Savior. All the disciples worshipped the Savior. They knew that He was the Son of God. They knew that He was the Son of God.
Through what power did Jesus walk on the water to the boat where his disciples were? Through what power did Jesus walk on the water to the boat where his disciples were? What did the disciples think when they first saw him? What did the disciples think when they first saw him? Let’s read Matthew 14:26 Let’s read Matthew 14:26Matthew 14:26Matthew 14:26
What did Jesus say to them? Let’s read MMMM aaaa tttt tttt hhhh eeee wwww 1 1 1 1 4444 :::: 2222 7777
Jesus performed these four miracles through His power. Jesus performed these four miracles through His power. Jesus has shared His power with bearers of the priesthood today. Jesus has shared His power with bearers of the priesthood today.
Peter, Peter, James, and John received the keys of the priesthood on the Mount of Transfiguration (See Matthew 17:1–917:1–9). 17:1–9 These priesthood keys were given to Peter, James, and John so they would have the power of the priesthood when Jesus was gone. These priesthood keys were given to Peter, James, and John so they would have the power of the priesthood when Jesus was gone.
Peter was to be the President of the Church after Jesus was resurrected Peter was to be the President of the Church after Jesus was resurrected He needed the priesthood keys to carry on the work of the Church. He needed the priesthood keys to carry on the work of the Church.
What priesthood keys did Moses and Elijah give to Peter, James, and John? What priesthood keys did Moses and Elijah give to Peter, James, and John? – Moses gave them the priesthood keys of the gathering of Israel. – Elijah gave them the keys of the sealing power (see D&C 110:12– 16). D&C 110:12– 16D&C 110:12– 16
How do we use the keys of gathering today? How do we use the keys of gathering today? Let’s review Articles of Faith 1:10 Let’s review Articles of Faith 1:10Articles of Faith 1:10Articles of Faith 1:10 Missionary work Missionary work How can you participate in missionary work now, and how can you prepare to serve a full-time mission? How can you participate in missionary work now, and how can you prepare to serve a full-time mission?
Where do we use the sealing keys today? Where do we use the sealing keys today? How can you prepare to go to the temple? How can you prepare to go to the temple?
The Fifth Article of Faith We believe that aman must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. Enr. Act. 2
After the death of Jesus and the Apostles, the blessings of the Church and the priesthood were taken away from the people on earth. After the death of Jesus and the Apostles, the blessings of the Church and the priesthood were taken away from the people on earth. It was necessary for the priesthood to be restored to the earth. It was necessary for the priesthood to be restored to the earth. Jesus restored his church and the priesthood through Joseph Smith so that all of us could receive the blessings of the priesthood in our lives today. Jesus restored his church and the priesthood through Joseph Smith so that all of us could receive the blessings of the priesthood in our lives today.
Why is it important for the Church to have the priesthood today? Why is it important for the Church to have the priesthood today? What are the two priesthoods? What are the two priesthoods? How was the Aaronic Priesthood restored? Let’s look at D&C 13. How was the Aaronic Priesthood restored? Let’s look at D&C 13.D&C 13D&C 13 How was the Melchizedek Priesthood restored? Let’s look at D&C 27:12. How was the Melchizedek Priesthood restored? Let’s look at D&C 27:12. D&C 27:12 D&C 27:12
Worthy boys can receive the same priesthood when they are twelve that John the Baptist restored to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Worthy boys can receive the same priesthood when they are twelve that John the Baptist restored to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. When boys receive the Aaronic Priesthood, they are given the power to act in the name of God in blessing the members of their ward or branch. When boys receive the Aaronic Priesthood, they are given the power to act in the name of God in blessing the members of their ward or branch.
When a boy in the Church turns twelve, he can, if he is worthy, receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained to the office of a deacon. When a boy in the Church turns twelve, he can, if he is worthy, receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained to the office of a deacon. Can you name the duties of a deacon? Can you name the duties of a deacon? – Passes the sacrament – Collects fast offerings – Acts as the bishop’s messenger – Takes care of the Lord’s property Enr. Act. 5
What blessings do we receive through the power of the priesthood? What blessings do we receive through the power of the priesthood? – Naming and blessing of babies – Baptism – Confirmation – The Sacrament – Temple sealings
What are some personal blessings we receive through the priesthood? What are some personal blessings we receive through the priesthood? – Blessings when sick – Father’s blessing – Home teachers How has the priesthood blessed your life? How has the priesthood blessed your life?
Take out a slip and read it to the class. Take out a slip and read it to the class. What is the role of the priesthood in the blessing or ordinance? What is the role of the priesthood in the blessing or ordinance? Can anyone share an experience you have had with these ordinances and blessings? Can anyone share an experience you have had with these ordinances and blessings? Enr. Act. 1
I also bear testimony that worthy men and boys in the Church have the same priesthood power today. I also bear testimony that worthy men and boys in the Church have the same priesthood power today. I bear my testimony of the power of the priesthood that Jesus had. I know that certain blessings are available to us only through the priesthood. I know that certain blessings are available to us only through the priesthood.
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