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Energy Transformations Ch.6 Types of Systems? CLOSED, exchanges only energy OPEN, exchanges matter and energy.

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2 Energy Transformations Ch.6

3 Types of Systems? CLOSED, exchanges only energy OPEN, exchanges matter and energy

4 What is the transformation?

5 Terminology Metabolism- all chem. rxns Coupled reactions: Catabolic pathways Release energy by breaking down complex molecules (cell respiration) Anabolic: consume energy Build complex molecules (protein synthesis)

6 Which is catabolic and which is anabolic? Anabolic Catabolic

7 Describe the energy transformations

8 Thermodynamics First Law Energy can be transferred and transformed but cannot be created or destroyed Second Law –energy transfers increases the entropy of the universe Entropy – quantitative measure of disorder Closed system – earth Open system - organisms


10 Combine the first and second Law Quantity of energy is constant Quality (type) of energy is not constant

11 Free Energy – understand to apply to enzymes Amount of energy available to do work G = Gibbs free energy H = enthalpy or total energy of molecule Term: enthalpy not in text T = temperature in 0 K (C +273) S = entropy  G =  H - T(  S)

12 Significance of free energy understand to apply to enzymes Maximum amt. of energy to do work Indicates whether a reaction will occur spontaneously Spontaneous reaction will occur without additional energy (move from unstable to stable)  G decreases (-  G ) in spontaneous rxn.

13 High energy system Enthalpy – total energy of molecule Unstable Tend to change to more stable state A decrease in enthalpy (like ball rolling down slide) and increase in entropy of universe-- reduce free energy Contribute to spontaneous process

14 Free energy and equilibrium Free energy decreases as approach equilibrium Spontaneous and exergonic Free energy increases as pushed away from equilibrium Non-spontaneous and endergonic At equilibrium –>  G = 0

15 At equilibrium A system can do no work Metabolic disequilibrium necessary for life of cell

16 Energy Transformations?

17 Exergonic Reactions Products have less free energy than reactants Energetically down hill Spontaneous reaction  G is negative Respiration

18 Endergonic Reaction Products store more free energy than reactants Energetically uphill Non-spontaneous: requires energy input  G is positive photosynthesis

19 Why is this all important? ENZYMES…speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers. They cannot change the  G for a reaction. Can hasten reactions that would’ve occurred anyways (hasten spontaneous reactions)

20 ATP Immediate source of energy that drives cellular work Adenosine triphosphate Nucleotide with unstable phosphate bonds Nucleoside: adenine joined to ribose 3 phosphates attached to ribose Nucleoside + phosphates= nucleotide

21 nucleoside

22 Hydrolysis of unstable bonds between phosphates Terminal phosphate bonds unstable Products of hydrolysis more stable Exergonic (spontaneous)—releases free energy (  G is negative) Produces ADP + P  G = -7.3kcal/mole in lab In living cell –13kcal/mol

23 ATP performs work requires enzymes Energy coupling: Exergonic hydrolysis coupled with endergonic phosphorylation Phosphorylation – transfer of P to another molecule Molecule receiving P becomes more active



26 Regeneration of ATP Continual rapid process 10 7 molecules used and made/sec/cell ADP + P  ATP Requires energy --- from respiration or light (in plants) Endergonic—energy storing


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