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Huh...we've hit the earth's limits to feed us? “ Scarcity is the new norm.” Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute Foreign Policy May/June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Huh...we've hit the earth's limits to feed us? “ Scarcity is the new norm.” Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute Foreign Policy May/June 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 Huh...we've hit the earth's limits to feed us?

3 “ Scarcity is the new norm.” Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute Foreign Policy May/June 2011

4 Scarcity …. Really? Fo r every person, every day the world produces: 3-4 pounds of food 2,800 calories (For comparison: 2,100 meets the caloric need of average Americans.) Since 1970, worldwide production of food has grown 40 percent per person, and the last decade has seen record harvests.

5 …and all that food? It’s only what’s “leftover” after… More than one half of all grain goes to produce feed, fuel, and for other industrial purposes. One-third of the world’s fish catch is turned into livestock feed. One-quarter of all calories are wasted.

6 No one gets up in the morning asking, “How can I make sure people go hungry?” Yet… 842 million people suffer severe hunger lasting more than one year. 2 billion are missing essential nutrients — such as iron and Vitamin A. 1 in 4 children is stunted, suffering irreparable harm. A result? Poor nutrition is implicated in ½ of all child deaths. (World Bank).

7 ?



10 THE THREE S’s OF A SCARCITY-MIND Separateness Stasis Scarcity

11 SCARCITY MIND Not enough goods or goodness SPIRAL OF POWERLESSNESS Almost everything— from food to energy— is scarce Humans are selfish & competitive So we’re incapable of coming together for the common good Therefore we can’t trust government We must rely on the market, one bringing highest return to wealthy So wealth inexorably concentrates Concentrated wealth bends government to serve its ends Power inequities worsen & more people experience scarcity Fear, blame & competition intensify

12 Source: Credit Suisse, 2013 12 eeling-the-fiscal-squeeze-epa-seeks-to-slim- down

13 Two dozen lobbyists, mostly pursuing corporate interest, for every official we elect to represent our interest. 13



16 3 Environmental messages that can backfire “ We’ve hit the limits of a finite planet! ” “ Consumerism is to blame. ” “ It’s too late! ”

17 SCARCITY MIND ECOMIND Separateness Stasis Scarcity Connection Continuous change Co-creation TO

18 SCARCITY MIND ECOMIND TO Hitting the limits of nature Aligning with the laws of nature TO



21 ECO-MIND Aligning with nature, there’s plenty of goods & goodness SPIRAL OF EMPOWERMENT Humans have the need & capacity for fairness, cooperation & efficacy So we’re capable of deliberative problem solving And we can remove the power of money from politics Freed from the grip of private wealth, government answers to citizens Democratically set rules ensure transparency & dispersion of power Markets remain open, competitive & life-serving “Living democracy” shapes rules aligned with nature, including our own Needs are met, fear recedes & trust grows

22 Living Democracy … It’s not what we have but what we do.

23 Photo: 23 Citizen Funded Elections! You can be a co-sponsor…. Go to


25 U MASS, AMHERST Permaculture Garden -- view from dining hall


27 27 Sharing a solutions story is a revolutionary act!


29 WITH AN ECO-MIND… It’s not possible to know what’s possible. So we are free… free to go for the world we want.

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