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Web-based Course Management System By Melanie Nuffer.

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1 Web-based Course Management System By Melanie Nuffer

2  Learning Environments provide  OpenClass Learning Environment  Cost and Setup  Compatibility  Benefits  Better than Final Site

3  Allow students to move beyond the textbook  Richer more customized learning  Instructor created content  Extending the learning beyond the classroom.  Multimedia content  Faster delivery  Greater student engagement

4  “… dynamic, scalable, fully cloud-based solution”  Integrated environment that allows for the exchange of content, coursework, and ideas.  Includes the usage of social technology to encourage collaboration and communication.  features an idea exchange that provides an opportunity for instructors to share best practices.

5  FREE  No new hardware  No licensing  No hosting costs  Easy setup  Already using Google Apps for educators  Little time to add Open Class to existing accounts.

6  Cloud tools are not platform specific  Provide anytime anywhere access  Moodle content can be imported  Wide array of file format available  Integrated with publishers such as Pearson, Turnitin, Learning Objects, Folio Tek, Skype, Soft Chalk, Open Study, ProQuest, and more

7  Open source  Sharing  Compatibility  FREE!  Content provided  Collaborative  Provides for greater customization for individual students.

8  Calendar feature is more easily shared with mobile devices and easier to use.  Allows for better sharing of documents and files.  Allows for collaboration among students and teacher.  Better integration of mail services  No COST!  Better online testing  Potential for integration with PowerSchool.

9 OpenClass. (2011). OpenClass. Retrieved March 24, 2012, from dex dex Sannier, A. (Director) (2011, October 18). Introduction to Open Class. Educause. Lecture conducted from Pearson Education, Philadelphia

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