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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive Writing NOTES AND SENSORY STATIONS 8 TH GRADE ELA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Writing Descriptively: Definitions  Descriptive writing: The clear description of people, places, objects or events using appropriate details.  Descriptive writing should include: 1. A vivid “word picture” 2. Focus on purpose and audience, and what you are describing 3. When describing a thing, concentrate on physical appearance 4. When describing a person, concentrate on behavior, movement, and appearance 5. When recreating a scene concentrate on people and surroundings.

3 Writing Descriptively: Details  Sensory Details: To vividly describe what the writer sees, hears, smells, touches, and tastes.  Figures of Speech: Compares two things that are very different. It also means to not mean exactly what you say. Creating and understanding figures of speech require you to use your imagination.

4 Writing Descriptively: Details  Three Types of Figurative Language:  Personification: Gives an inanimate object human qualities or abilities. Example: The camera loves me. Example: The trees were dancing in the wind.  Metaphors: Compares two things directly. Example: During the storm, the sky was a cloudy sea.  Similes: Compares two things using “like” or “as.” Example: She is as slow as a turtle. Example: Your life is like an open book.

5 Writing Descriptively: Craft  When beginning to write, remember two key steps for organized writing.  Step 1: Consider the 5 W’s. WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY  Step 2: Use SPATIAL ORDER to help create a picture for your reader.  Spatial Order: Items are described according to their physical position. For example, if you are describing a shelf or desk, describe items on the left first, then move gradually toward the right. Do not skip around the item or space you are describing.

6 Writing Descriptively: Let’s Explore!  Partner up with people in your group.  Choose a song you or your partner has available to you on your device. While listening to this song, find examples of similes, metaphors, and personification.  Record your examples on a post-it and stick them on the appropriate poster.  Try to find at least one example of each, and make sure your examples are appropriate.

7 Writing Descriptively: Let’s Create  Let’s start small.  Read over the class copy of the “Color Poetry” assignment.  Create your own piece of color poetry. I have printer paper for you to use.  See past student examples to help you understand the expectation for your final product.  Later in this unit, we will create a different poem with this as the starting point, so don’t misplace your color poem!

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