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Rotary Grants Update Abby McNear Manager, Rotary Grants 9 March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary Grants Update Abby McNear Manager, Rotary Grants 9 March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary Grants Update Abby McNear Manager, Rotary Grants 9 March 2014

2 ROTARY GRANTS UPDATE | 2 DISTRICT GRANTS 2013-14 applications  Submitted 421  Approved 388 Applications may be submitted until 15 May 2014 Current processing time: 37 days!

3 ROTARY GRANTS UPDATE | 3 GLOBAL GRANTS 2013-14 applications  Submitted 792  Approved 430 including 126 scholarships and 35 vocational training teams Current processing time: 60 days! 10% of applications not approved Consider using district grants for activities not funded by global grants Questions? Consult areas of focus policy statements.

4 ROTARY GRANTS UPDATE | 4 AREAS OF FOCUS Popularity according to funding: 1.Disease prevention and treatment 2.Economic and community development 3.Water and sanitation 4.Basic education and literacy 5.Peace and conflict prevention/resolution 6.Maternal and child health

5 ROTARY GRANTS UPDATE | 5 PILOT ROTARIAN FEEDBACK New grant model  98% support the new grant model  90% feel the new grant model is an improvement over the old model  93% rate the new grant model as excellent, very good or good 93% rate district grants as excellent, very good or good Areas of focus  >50% support the current areas of focus requirements  36% support broader eligibility in areas of focus 38% support broader definition of sustainability

6 ROTARY GRANTS UPDATE | 6 ROTARIAN FEEDBACK New website and online application system  62% have a favorable view  39% view system as fair or poor  Biggest areas of complaint: navigation issues and technical difficulties

7 ROTARY GRANTS UPDATE | 7 ALUMNI Anyone who receives direct funding from a district or global grant Encourage clubs to share information about alumni with scholars and vocational training team members Alumni can be valuable resources for future projects Remind districts to provide TRF with contact information for district grant-funded travelers Ask alumni to complete the Rotary Program Participation Survey (on

8 ROTARY GRANTS UPDATE | 8 QUESTIONS? For more information, visit

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