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This website contains a variety of recreational and informational content for children. Presented by Felicita Padilla.

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Presentation on theme: "This website contains a variety of recreational and informational content for children. Presented by Felicita Padilla."— Presentation transcript:

1 This website contains a variety of recreational and informational content for children. Presented by Felicita Padilla

2 Content Recreational Content Games Jokes E-Card Horoscopes Informational Content / Research Tools Ask Earl Study Zone Reference Science Yahoo Kids Directory

3 Ask Earl An informational tool where children can type a question into a dialog box and submit it to “Earl” for an answer. Children can also search through questions and answers that were asked by others.

4 Ask Earl Ask Earl is an excellent research tool because it provides specific answers to specific questions without having to read through pages of information and/or search results to find the answer. In Example: How do glow worms light up? Click here for Earl's answer!

5 Study Zone! Study Zone on Yahoo!Kids offers links to: Nick News A world news program geared toward children. World Factbook A search engine that contains information on all the countries of the world, including maps, pictures of flags, statistics, history, facts about the land, people government and money system of each counrty. An Online Dictionary and Encylopedia Science Link A webpage that includes space and science facts and top informational videos.

6 Study Zone! Study Zone is a great informational tool for children because... It gives acess to the information children need and want all in one safe and conveinent space! It contains exciting information in the form of pictures and videos. The information on this page is easy to find and well labeled.

7 Yahoo! Kids Directory Yahoo kids directory, part of the Yahoo! Kids website organizes the information into an easy to navigate box with links for Sports and RecreationAround the World Arts and Entertainment Computers and Games School and Homework Science and Nature Making it easier for kids to navigate the website and find the information they need!

8 Yahoo Kids and an excellent research tool geared toward school age children. The information is provided in a safe environment so parents can feel comfortable allowing their kids to use the internet for learning and reasearch or for recreation. The information provided on the site is age appropriate and most of the information comes in the form of exciting pictures and videos that make learning more fun and interesting for children The website is set up to make it easier for children to find the information they need.

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