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Published byRuth Powell Modified over 9 years ago
2016 Caucus Training Series Temporary Caucus Chair Training
Training Overview 1. Welcome 2. Preparing the Caucuses 3. Caucus Registration Procedures 4. Calling the Caucus to Order 5. Preference Group Formation 6. Reporting 7. Electing Delegates 8. Electing Convention Committee Persons 9. Electing Precinct Committee Persons 10. Resolution Discussion and Adoption 11. Adjournment and Paperwork 12. Final Questions
Preparing for the Caucuses
Before caucus night: Check over your caucus packet: Is it the right packet? Is the number of delegates your caucus elects listed? Is the number of committee members your caucus elects listed? Is there contact information if something goes wrong? Check the contents of your caucus packet: Are all forms and envelopes in the packet? Do you know how to use each form?
Caucus Packet Contents Reporting Credentials Letter from Linn County Chair, Bret Nilles and IDP Chair, Dr. Andy McGuire Posters Letters from Presidential Candidates and Elected Officials Candidates’ Nominating Petitions Linn County Democrats and IDP Contribution Envelope Caucus Registration Forms Voter Registration Forms Absentee Ballot Request Forms Surveys Caucus Mathematics Worksheet Summary of Caucus Results Form
Preparing for the Caucuses Before caucus night: Visit your caucus site and check for: Cellular reception/Wi-Fi access for reporting Adequate seating Tables for registration Location of restrooms Contact info for site manager Accessibility problems
Preparing for the Caucuses Things to bring to the caucus: Caucus packet Smart phone (if possible) or cell phone Calculator Several pens and pencils Paper Clock or watch Markers and poster board/butcher paper Masking tape, scotch tape, stapler
Preparing for the Caucuses On caucus night: Arrive 45 minutes to an hour early Set up for the caucus: Set up tables and chairs Lay out materials Hang posters Find volunteers to help Setup Registration Accessibility issues
Caucus Registration Procedures
Eligible Caucus Attendees: Resident of that precinct in Iowa 18 yrs old by Nov 8, 2016 (the next general election) Registered Democrat Signed in or in line by 7pm
Caucus Registration Procedures Observers at the caucus: Members of the media TV crews Bloggers Newspapers Radio Youth Non-resident campaign staff, campaign surrogates, and volunteers
Caucus Registration Procedures Observers at the caucus: May not caucus or vote for delegates May not participate in discussions once caucus is called to order Designated area for observers Inappropriate for media to interview caucus participant during the caucus
Caucus Registration Procedures Observers at the caucus: Facility is for caucus attendees and the Democratic Party Broadcast equipment may not hinder or obstruct participation of any caucus attendee Chair has the right to ask violators to leave the caucus
Caucus Registration Procedures Registration: Should be monitored by temporary chair or secretary to ensure all forms are completed correctly Find volunteers to help with this process (make sure vols are trained) ALL caucus attendees MUST sign in at registration table
Caucus Registration Procedures Registration: If attendee’s name appears on the 2016 Caucus Registration Form— Registered Democrats: Attendee must sign name on the line next to their printed name on the form Fill in the bubble in the attendance column (and other bubbles as necessary) If attendee’s name does NOT appear on the 2016 Caucus Registration Form, and they will legally be eligible to vote in the next general election (Nov 8, 2016): Sign in on 2016 Caucus Registration Form—New Voters If you are 17 ½ years old or older, you MUST also fill out a voter registration form Voter registration available at all caucus sites
Caucus Registration Procedures Registration: Youth who will not be eligible to vote in the next general election (will not be 18 by November 8, 2016), shall sign in on the Youth Caucus Attendee Form. They will not be eligible to participate in the caucuses, but can attend as an observer. If caucus attendee’s name does not appear on the 2016 Caucus Registration Form—Registered Democrats, but the attendee believes they’re registered: Must re-register as a Democrat and sign in on 2016 Caucus Registration Form—New Voters
Caucus Registration Procedures Registered Democrats Form
Caucus Registration Procedures New Voters Form
Caucus Registration Procedures Absentee Ballot Request Forms Handed out at registration table to people interested in voting by mail. Collected right after caucus is called to order. IDP Caucus Survey Given to each caucus attendee to be filled out. Should be returned before caucus is called to order
Calling the Caucus to Order
7:00pm or soon thereafter as registration is complete Introduce self Go over caucus agenda Explain primary purposes of the caucus Form preference groups Elect delegates to County Convention Adopt platform resolutions Elect Democratic Party precinct leadership
The IDP Presentation
Read letter from IDP Chair Dr. Andy McGuire Read the IDP finance envelope and pass around to caucus attendees for contributions to the party Checks should be made payable to the Iowa Democratic Party Seal and return all contributions to the IDP Envelope must be sealed and caucus secretary must sign across the seal before placed in Envelope A: State Party Failure to comply with instructions may result in FEC disclosure issues
The IDP Presentation Encourage caucus attendees to fill out absentee ballot request forms A receipt MUST be issued to attendees requesting ballot Must fill out “Ballot requested by” and “Date and time request received by agent” All other info pre-printed Collect all forms as soon as they are completed, make sure all are filled out entirely and legibly Place all absentee ballot requests in Envelope C: County Auditor
The IDP Presentation Income Tax Check-off Remind attendees they can help the IDP by using the Iowa Income Tax Check-off to the IDP Using check-off does not reduce refund, nor will it increase the amount you may owe
Letters and Nomination Petitions
Read aloud, pass around, or post candidate and elected official letters Each caucus attendee may sign candidates’ nomination papers (may sign for as many offices and as many candidates for a single office as one chooses) State legislative candidates and above, place in Envelope A: State Party All others, place in Envelope B: County Chair
Election of Permanent Officers
Election on Permanent Officers Permanent chair and secretary must be elected before official business can be conducted Temporary chair should seek position (if not elected, you are still responsible for assisting the new permanent chair) Call for nominations Written ballots or voice vote may be used “All those in favor of electing _______as permanent chair, please signify by saying, ‘aye’.” Repeat above steps for permanent secretary
Determining Viability In order to be eligible to elect delegates to the county convention, a candidate must have a minimum level of eligible caucus attendees in their preference groups. Determined: At 7pm or soon thereafter as registration is complete If more than 85% of attendees do not wish to form preference groups, the delegate(s) may be elected by the caucus as a whole Caucus chair will count all eligible caucus attendees and announce that number Based on number of eligible attendees and the number of delegates to elect, viability threshold is calculated
Determining Viability in Precincts Electing One Delegate No preference groups form The delegate is elected by the whole caucus Elected by majority rule Paper ballots may be used
Determining Viability in Precincts Electing Two Delegates To be viable, a group must contain at least 25% of eligible attendees Viability = Eligible attendees x 0.25
Determining Viability in Precincts Electing Three Delegates To be viable, a group must have 1 / 6 of the total attendees Viability = Eligible attendees ÷ 6
Determining Viability in Precincts Electing Four or More Delegates To be viable, a preference group must have at least 15% of the total attendees in their group Viability = eligible attendees x 0.15
Determining Viability When calculating, all fractions are rounded UP to the next whole number There can be no more viable preference groups than delegates to award Once viability threshold has been determined, the chair announces that number to the caucus
Viability Examples 17 eligible caucus attendees, 2 delegates to elect Viability = 17 x 0.25 = 4.25 Viability = 5 43 eligible caucus attendees, 3 delegates to elect Viability = 43 ÷ 6 = 7.1667 Viability = 8 61 eligible caucus attendees, 5 delegates to elect Viability = 61 x 0.15 = 9.15 Viability = 10 eligible caucus attendees
Preference Groups
Formation of Preference Groups Caucus participants have up to 30 minutes to divide into preference groups Can be extended by majority vote Caucus chair should direct preference groups to different areas of the room It is possible for an uncommitted preference group to form After groups form, a preference group chair shall be elected within each group Responsible for counting their members and reporting that number to caucus chair
“What If” Scenarios What if there are more viable preference groups than number of delegates to be elected? Answer: There can be no more viable preference groups than there are delegates to be elected What to do: Smallest groups must realign until the number of groups equals the number of delegates to be elected
“What If” Scenarios What if there is a tie for the smallest preference group? Answer: A game of chance is used to determine which group must realign What to do: A coin toss is recommended between two equal size groups, while drawing names from a hat is preferred between three or more equal size groups
“What If” Scenarios What if a non-viable preference group decides to leave rather than realign? Answer: Viability is based on the number of eligible attendees at 7pm. This number remains fixed throughout the night. What to do: Viability is not recalculated
Realignment At this point, any preference group that is not viable must be given an opportunity to realign Can join with other viable or non-viable preference groups Viable preference groups also allowed to realign 30 min (extended with majority vote) If any non-viable preference groups still remain, a second realignment occurs, during which time only non-viable preference groups may realign Can join together to become viable, or join other viable groups 30 min (extended with majority vote)
Awarding Delegates
# of members in a preference group x Total # of delegates to be elected = Delegates won Total # Eligible Caucus Attendees Results are rounded up at 0.5 and down at less than 0.5. Total up the delegates and compare it to the number of delegates assigned to be elected at the precinct
Awarding Delegates: Math Time! Carlton Precinct, Tama County There are 60 eligible attendees at the Carlton Precinct Caucus Carlton Precinct will be electing 5 delegates to the Tama County Convention Viability = 60 x.15 = 9 22 members aligned in a preference group for Paul McCartney 16 members aligned for George Harrison 12 members aligned for John Lennon 10 members aligned for Ringo Starr
Awarding Delegates The delegate formula for Paul McCartney would be applied as follows: 22 x 5 60 =1.833 # of members in preference group # of eligible attendees # of delegates to be elected # of delegates awarded With rounding, Paul McCartney will receive two delegates from the Precinct Caucuses
Awarding Delegates Applying the same math, the remainder of the candidates received: Paul McCartney:(22 x 5)/60 = 1.833 = 2 delegates George Harrison:(16 x 5)/60 = 1.333 = 1 delegate John Lennon:(12 x 5)/60 = 1.000 = 1 delegate Ringo Starr:(10 x 5)/60 = 0.833 = 1 delegate All 5 of Carlton’s delegates have been awarded.
“What If” Too Few Delegates What if the total number of delegates apportioned is less than the number to be elected at the precinct? Answer: An additional delegate will be awarded to the group with the highest decimal below 0.5 (the group with the decimal below 0.5, but closest to it):
“What If” Too Few Delegates There are 100 eligible attendees in Milton Precinct. Milton Precinct will elect 6 delegates to the County Convention Viability: 100 x 0.15 = 15 eligible attendees Group # of Members in GroupMath # of Delegates Group will elect After RoundingFinal John38(38 x 6)/100=2.2822 Paul24(24 x 6)/100=1.4412 George22(22 x 6)/100=1.3211 Ringo16(16 x 6)/100=0.9611 100 56
“What If” Too Many Delegates What if the total number of delegates is greater than the number to be elected at the precinct? Answer: A delegate will be subtracted from the preference group with the lowest decimal above 0.5 (the group with the decimal above 0.5, but closest to it). Note: During this process, a preference group cannot lose its only delegate. If a preference group with only one delegate has a decimal above 0.5, but is closest to 0.5, the preference group with the next closest decimal point will lose the delegate.
“What If” Too Many Delegates There are 100 eligible attendees in Jackson Precinct. Jackson Precinct will elect 4 delegates to the County Convention Viability: 100 x 0.15 = 15 eligible attendees Group # of Members in GroupMath # of Delegates Group will elect After RoundingFinal John41(41 x 4)/100=1.6421 Paul23(23 x 4)/100=0.9211 George21(21 x 4)/100=0.8411 Ringo15(15 x 4)/100=0.6011 100 54 Note: Although Ringo has the decimal point above 0.5 but closest to it, a preference group cannot lose its only delegate. Therefore, John loses the delegate.
“What If” Scenarios What if two or more preference groups are tied for the loss or gain of a delegate? Answer: A game of chance is used What to do: A coin toss is recommended between two groups, while drawing names from a hat is recommended between three or more groups
Reporting the Results
When the delegates have been awarded, a representative from each preference group MUST sign off on the Caucus Math Worksheet
“Iowa Democratic Caucuses 2016” Reporting App
How do I get the Results Reporting App? Iowa Caucus Results Reporting App is available through the app store for your device: 1. Visit the store and search for “Iowa Democratic Caucuses 2016” 2. Download to your device Windows Store Play Store Apple Store
Using the App
Step 1: Open the App You will see the IDP’s Precinct Caucus logo The app will have a note saying it is connecting to either the wireless internet, or your cellular data May look different, but works exactly the same
Step 2: Welcome Once connected, you will see the welcome screen At any point (and without having to enter any other information), you have the option to click “Viability Number” to assist with calculating viability Once you are ready to report results, you will click “Begin” Note: 15 minutes
Viability Number
Step 3: Time to Report You will now be asked if you are ready to report Keep in mind, once you receive your PIN, you will only have 15 minutes to complete your report If you do not complete report within 15 minutes, you will have to reauthorize your phone Click “Yes” when ready
App Authorization
4 step process: Enter your phone number Enter your precinct code You will receive a text message with a PIN Enter your PIN If all info matches our records, you will be authorized
Step 4: Enter Phone Number Enter the phone number you provided to the IDP for reporting purposes After entering your phone number, click “Authorize”
Step 5: Enter Precinct Code Enter the precinct code you received from the IDP This will be found on your caucus packet, as well as on the back of your reporting credentials After entering the precinct code, click “Authorize”
Receiving your PIN You will now receive a text message containing your PIN This PIN will expire in 15 minutes (i.e., you only have 15 min to report. If you have not finished reporting after 15 min, you will have to reauthorize your phone number and precinct code) Once you receive your PIN, click “Enter PIN” Note: If you are using the app on someone else’s phone, you will still be able to report, but the PIN will be texted to YOUR phone number (the number you provided to the IDP)
Step 6: Enter PIN Enter the PIN in the box and click “Enter PIN”
Authorized Precinct You will see a message confirming you have been authorized This page will list your county and your precinct, which will match the county/precinct name on your reporting credential If this is not your precinct, call the IDP helpline If this matches, click “Report Results”
Entering Numbers
Step 7: Enter Eligible Attendees You will now enter the number of eligible caucus attendees Note: this is the same number of eligible caucus attendees you counted at 7pm. Do not recalculate at any point, even if people have left the caucus
Step 8: Enter Preference Group Sizes You will now enter the PREFERENCE GROUP SIZE for each candidate Note: this is not the number of delegates Every section must have a number, even if this number is zero Once you have entered all numbers (and double checked), click “Calculate Results”
Error Screens If one of your preference groups is not viable, or if the total of group sizes is greater than the number of eligible attendees, you will receive an error message and be asked to re-enter results
Game of Chance
Confirming Totals and Submitting
Step 9: Total Tally You will now see a tally of the number of delegates each candidate received If these numbers are correct, click “Next”
Step 10: Proceed to Summary You will now see a screen indicating the total number of delegates assigned to each candidate matches the total number of delegates allocated to the precinct Click “Proceed to Summary”
Step 11: Confirm Totals You will be asked to confirm results once more. If correct, click “Submit”
Step 12: Confirm Submission After confirming submission, you will receive a text message confirming results
Notes on the Reporting App Once you submit results, you will not be able to resubmit results for that precinct If you made a mistake, immediately call the IDP helpline If for any reason you are unable to use the reporting app, please use the IDP Toll Free Reporting System Note: Different than the IDP Helpline
IDP Toll Free Reporting System Call in Instructions If you are experiencing difficulties reporting caucus results through the reporting app, or if you are unable to use the app for any reason, please make sure to immediately report your caucus results using the IDP Toll Free Call in Reporting System: 1. To begin reporting, call the 1-800 number 2. Follow the voice prompts 3. Enter your precinct code followed by # key 4. Confirm county and precinct by pressing 1 5. Enter the total eligible caucus attendees followed by # key 6. Confirm total eligible caucus attendees by pressing 1 7. Enter total number of DELEGATES for each candidate followed by # key 8. Confirm number of delegates for each candidate by pressing 1 9. When done, system will repeat entire slate of delegates 10. If slate is correct, confirm results by pressing 1 11. You are finished when you hear the confirmation message and may hang up
“What If” Scenarios What if it takes me longer than 15 minutes and I get locked out of the app? Answer: No worries, you will just need to reauthorize your cell phone number and precinct code, and receive a new PIN What to do: Re-enter your information and begin reporting again What if I don’t have a smart phone? Answer: Download the app on someone else’s phone What to do: On their phone, open the app and enter YOUR cell phone number (the number provided to the IDP) and the precinct code. YOU will receive the PIN via text on your phone, but can enter results using a different phone
“What If” Scenarios What if my cell phone dies or has no service? Answer: You MUST still report results What to do: Use someone else’s cell phone (or a land line) to call the IDP Toll Free Reporting System What if I’ve submitted results and realize I’ve made a mistake? Answer: After results have been submitted for a precinct, you may not resubmit results (IDP Reporting System or app) What to do: Call the IDP Helpline IMMEDIATELY
Electing Delegates
Each preference group shall elect within their preference group the number of County Convention delegates they are entitled and as many alternates as they choose to elect Electing one delegate: Delegate elected by the entire caucus, Simple majority, written ballots may be used Electing two delegates: Simple majority, written ballots may be used Electing three or more delegates: You should not elect more than half of the delegates plus one in the first round Participants not elected in first round are allowed to run a second time Simple majority, written ballots may be used (recommended) Ex: If electing six delegates, only four elected in first round. All candidates run, preference group members may vote for four candidates. Anyone receiving over 50% elected, anyone under moves to second round If no one receives over 50%, lowest vote getter is dropped
Electing Delegates Caucuses electing more than one delegate should try to elect an equal number of men and women. Care should also be taken to encourage diversity among the delegate candidates Delegate candidates should be given a brief period of time (1-2 min) to speak to their preference group before voting
Electing Alternates Number of alternate delegates to be elected is not limited. Care should be taken to encourage diversity among candidates for alternates It is a good rule of thumb to elect at least as many alternates as there are delegates elected, but not more than two per delegate Anyone elected as an alternate delegate should be ready and willing to step in for a delegate if called upon
Electing Delegates It is possible to elect someone who is not present at the caucus; however, only those present may vote It is not a good idea to elect an individual not in attendance unless that person has requested they be nominated If a caucus elects an individual not in attendance, the caucus chair must take responsibility for notifying that individual of their election Once delegates and alternates have been elected, the caucus secretary will fill in the bubble for either “D” for delegate or “A” for alternate on the Caucus Registration Form for each attendee elected (also complete Summary of Caucus Results Form)
Ratification of the Slate Ratification shall mean it is the sense of the caucus the procedures used by the preference groups were in conformity with required procedures under IDP’s constitution Caucus comes back together and votes to ratify as a whole. Must have a majority vote (written ballots may be used) Failure to ratify slate of delegates may subject them to a challenge at the County Convention
Please use separate forms included for your precinct
Electing County Convention Committee Representatives
Electing Co Convention Committee Reps The caucus will elect people to serve on the Platform Committee and the Committee on Committees from the delegates and alternates just elected (two per committee). Platform Committee: Helps determine which platform resolutions are submitted to the County Convention for ratification in the County Democratic Party Platform Committee on Committees: People will be divided up among the following committees for the County Convention: Rules, Credentials, and Arrangements. These committees assist with logistics for the County Convention. Fill in the corresponding bubbles on the Caucus Registration Form (also complete Summary of Caucus Results Form)
Electing Precinct Committee Persons
Precinct Committee Persons First level of organization within the IDP Elected by the Democrats of this precinct to represent them on the County Democratic Central Committee. Two elected unless otherwise noted. Majority vote. Written ballots may be used Responsible for working with Democrats within the precinct, assisting with caucuses and elections, helping with voter contact and Get-Out-The-Vote efforts, etc. Candidates should be given a brief opportunity to speak Caucus secretary fills out appropriate bubble on Caucus Registration Form (also complete Summary of Caucus Results Form)
Resolution Discussion and Adoption
Resolutions are proposed by caucus participants Caucus may either vote on platform resolutions individually or may elect to move all proposed resolutions forward to Platform Committee for their consideration If discussed individually, time should be given to discuss before vote Chair may wish to limit discussion time Resolution submission forms should be completed Returned in Envelope B to County Chair
Before Adjournment
Is the Caucus Mathematics Worksheet signed by preference groups? Did you report results? Do you have the contribution envelope and is it sealed/signed? Did you collect all absentee ballot requests? Did you collect all surveys? Did you collect all candidate nominating papers? Have all adopted resolutions been written up and signed by secretary? Was slate ratified? Was the Caucus Registration Form updated with delegates, alternates, County Convention Committee Reps, and Precinct Committee Persons? Did you complete the Summary of Caucus Results Form?
New Business and Adjournment
Ask caucus attendees if there is any other business they wish to come before the caucus County Convention date: March 12, location TBD Next County Central Committee meeting Upcoming Democratic Party events Upcoming candidate events Assuming there is no other business: “Hearing no further business, this caucus is now adjourned. Thank you all for coming.”
Final Caucus Duties
Complete all paperwork Forms include county and precinct Docs are signed Forms are legible Gather all material in 1 envelope Deliver to RWDSU Union Hall – Local 110 526 F Ave. NW, Cedar Rapids
You arrive at your caucus site and your building is locked! You run out of forms! You begin forming preference groups and do not have enough space in your location! You have bad cell phone service and can’t report results! An observer is being disruptive!
What is your favorite vacation destination? Your precinct will elect 9 delegates to the County Convention And the candidates are…
Thank you! Without the support and help of dedicated Iowans like you, the Iowa Democratic Party would be unable to conduct a successful caucus and our First-in-the-Nation Status would be jeopardized. Thank you for your efforts!
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