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Laboratory photo-ionized plasma David Yanuka. Introduction  Photo-ionized plasmas are common in astrophysical environments  Typically near strong sources.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory photo-ionized plasma David Yanuka. Introduction  Photo-ionized plasmas are common in astrophysical environments  Typically near strong sources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory photo-ionized plasma David Yanuka

2 Introduction  Photo-ionized plasmas are common in astrophysical environments  Typically near strong sources of X-ray  Absorption spectra from these plasmas contain wealth of information

3 What can be learned from the recorded spectra?  Material  Distance  Velocity  Degree of ionization  Temperature  Pressure  Density

4 Disadvantages of studying astrophysical plasmas  Complex interpretation models which include unknown parameters:  Geometry of the system  Gas composition  Density distribution  Photon energy distribution of the driving X-ray flux  Multi element plasmas – overlapping of spectral lines

5 Difficulties in study of laboratory plasmas  In astrophysical photo-ionized plasmas the radiation field is more dominant than collisions  In laboratory plasmas collisions are dominant  To overcome this need strong X-ray radiation source  Z facility in Sandia produces 1-2 MJ of X-ray energy with a pulse duration of ~6 ns

6 Z pinch

7 Experimental setup  Current of 20 MA  Power of ~135 TW  BB radiation ~200 eV  Duration of ~7.5 ns  Height of 2 cm  Diameter of 0.2 cm  Gas-cell at 6 cm  Assumed temperature of 30-40 eV

8 Opacity

9 Bound-bound opacity

10 Line shape

11 Photon energy resolved transmission

12 Finding best fit to experimental results

13 Ionization parameter

14 Finding temperature

15 Summary  A method of extracting the charge state of plasma from absorption spectra has been introduced  Simulation was used to find best match of charge distribution to color and brightness temperatures  Temperature was used to calculate the ionization parameter

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