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Chapter 1: Introduction Business Data Communications, 4e.

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1 Chapter 1: Introduction Business Data Communications, 4e

2 Information & Communication Generation and transfer of information is critical to today ’ s businesses Flow of information both mirror and shape organizational structures Networks are the enabling technology for this process

3 The “ Manager ’ s Dilemma ” Technology is necessary for competitiveness Cost of technology has decreased Reliance on technology has increased Number of choices have increased Choices are both more difficult and more important Effective management, use, and communication of information are essential for a business to remain competitive.

4 Business Information Requirements Voice Digital Private Branch Exchange (PBX) voice mail, call forwarding, waiting, routing, accounting, and auditing. Data Image Facsimile (Fax) Video Videoconferencing CH 2 & 3

5 Distributed Data Processing Centralized processing Distributed processing Hybrid systems  Downsizing  Rightsizing CH 3

6 Transmission of Information Transmission and transmission media e.g. twisted pair, fiber, wireless, coax Communication Techniques encoding, interface, protocols Transmission efficiency multiplexing, compression CH 6 &7 CH 8 &9 CH 10

7 Multiplexing The ability of a number of devices to share a transmission facility. Multiplexing is sending multiple signals or streams of information on a carrier at the same time in the form of a single, complex signal and then recovering the separate signals at the receiving end. CH 10

8 To Connect Computers - Networks - Communications Software

9 Networks Local Area Networks (LAN) Wide Area Networks (WAN) Wireless Networks CH 14 &15 CH 11 &12 CH 13

10 Communications Software TCP/IP Distributed Applications Client/Server Architectures & Intranets CH 4&5 CH 16 CH 17

11 Management Issues Doing Business on the Internet Network Management Network Security CH 18 CH 19 CH 20

12 Communications Standards Importance Process Organizations Appendix A

13 Resources Web Sites Usenet Newsgroups Journals Business-oriented Technical

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