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The world leader in serving science ValPro 2.3 System Qualification for FT-IR and Raman Product Overview July 2008 Mark Mangold Product Support Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "The world leader in serving science ValPro 2.3 System Qualification for FT-IR and Raman Product Overview July 2008 Mark Mangold Product Support Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 The world leader in serving science ValPro 2.3 System Qualification for FT-IR and Raman Product Overview July 2008 Mark Mangold Product Support Engineering

2 2 ValPro System Qualification for FT-IR & Raman: Key Customer Messages  ValPro has the most complete tools available for qualifying your Thermo FT-IR, FT-Raman or Dispersive Raman  Coupled with our qualification services, ValPro significantly reduces the cost and time to put Thermo Scientific instruments into commission  By covering common accessories and multiple instrument configurations, Thermo is the only vendor offering complete system qualification  Since it is designed to address the needs of regulated industries, ValPro is also well-suited for non-regulated industries  ValPro is the next generation qualification package for lab instruments with significant feature upgrades over the previous Val-Q and Raman Qualification offerings

3 3 ValPro System Qualification for FT-IR & Raman  ValPro System Qualification Binder – 5 Packages New Part Numbers! iS10, X700 and 380 (updated Nicolet Series package) iN10 & iN10 MX (new package developed for iN10) NXR 9600 FT-Raman (9610/9650 dedicated FT-Raman) Dispersive Raman – DXR & Almega (updated for DXR) Legacy FT-IR (Avatar, Nexus, Magna, IR300)  ValPro System Qualification CD ValPro Qualification Software Qualification Test scripts Documents CD - includes all documents from binder in PDF format  Standards must be ordered separately (except iS10 which is built in)  Smart Accessories and FT- Raman modules are qualified as part of the Nicolet Series or Legacy FT-IR packages  ValPro 1.0 required OMNIC 7.2 to 7.3 SP1  ValPro 2.0 and 2.1 is required if using OMNIC 7.4  iS10 and Smart iTR requires OMNIC 8 and ValPro 2.2  DXR and iN10 requires OMNIC 8 and ValPro 2.3

4 4 ValPro System Qualification for FT-IR & Raman  Traceable Standards Tested using Thermo Scientific’s factory traceability process Each standard traced to a primary standard Includes standards for legacy systems Complete documentation Traceability certificate Test results Manual explaining process  Installation Certification Services Includes factory data traceability IQ and OQ Procedure Execution DS OQ Service is still separate Services not required, but…. No factory traceability link established Customer assumes risk Relocation & Re-certification services also available

5 5 ValPro for Nicolet Series FT-IR (834-059200)  Systems: Nicolet iS10 / iZ10, X700 and 380  Method: ASTM E1421: Energy Ratio & Noise European Pharmacopeia: Wavelength Accuracy & Resolution Japanese Pharmacopeia: Repeatability NPL NG11 Schott Glass Detector linearity  Standards: NIST-traceable 1.5 mil Polystyrene NPL-traceable NG11 Schott Glass Card sets or wheels (wheel included with iS10)

6 6 ValPro for Smart Accessories  Systems: Smart iTR (new), Smart Orbit, Smart Performer, Smart Diffuse Nicolet iS10, Nicolet 380, X700 Series, Avatar, Nexus Qualified as accessory to Nicolet Series or Legacy FT-IR in ValPro  Method: European Pharmacopeia: Wavelength Accuracy Full Width at Half Height Resolution  Standards: ATR uses a NIST-traceable Polystyrene Wand (840-166700) MIR Diffuse uses a NIST-traceable Polystyrene Slide (840-166800)

7 7 ValPro for Nicolet iN10  Systems: iN10 and iN10 MX  Options: ValPro Full Edition (833-035300) ValPro Lite (833-035400) – No IQ/OQ  Method: ASTM E1421: Energy Ratio & Noise European Pharmacopeia: Wavelength Accuracy & Resolution Japanese Pharmacopeia: Repeatability  Standards: NIST Traceable Polystyrene for Transmission, Reflection, & ATR (840- 199900)

8 8 ValPro for FT-Raman (834-059300 – NXR 9610 or 9650)  Systems: NXR 9610 or 9650 stand alone FT-Raman Requires 180 degree reflective accessory NXR FT-Raman module qualified as accessory in Nicolet Series or Legacy FT-IR ValPro packages  Method: ASTM E1840 Wavelength Accuracy Noise Relative response  Standard: Traceable Proprietary Polystyrene Macro Sampling Standard (470-252000)

9 9 ValPro for Dispersive Raman (834-059400)  Systems: DXR Raman Microscope DXR SmartRaman (with UPS) Almega (microscope only)  Method: ASTM E1840 Wavelength Accuracy Signal to Noise  Standard: Traceable Proprietary Polystyrene Micro Sampling Standard (840-065500)

10 10 ValPro for Legacy FT-IR (834-059100)  Systems: Nexus, Avatar, Magna, Protégé, IR300, Genesis 2  Methods – either existing ASTM or EP Legacy: ASTM E1421: Energy Ratio & Noise ASTM or European Pharmacopeia: Wavelength Accuracy & Resolution 3.0 mil Photometric Accuracy  Standards: NIST-traceable 1.5 mil Polystyrene Traceable proprietary 3.0 mil Polystyrene Card sets or wheels  Legacy systems can update to ValPro

11 11 Compliance Software Part Numbers 834-059200ValPro Nicolet Series FT-IR System Qualification Software380 & X700 834-059300ValPro NXR 9600 FT-Raman System Qualification Software9600 834-059400ValPro Dispersive Raman System Qualification SoftwareALMEGA 834-059100ValPro Legacy FT-IR System Qualification SoftwareLEGACY FT-IR 1 833-035400ValPro Lite Edition for Nicolet iN10iN10 & iN10 MX 833-035300ValPro Full Edition Nicolet iN10 System QualificationiN10 & iN10 MX 833-026500OMNIC DS 8 Data Security SoftwareALL

12 12 ValPro Standards (continued) X700 / Nexus / Magna 840-070800DLaTGS Detector with KBr Window and Validation Motor X700, NEXUS, MAGNA 840-153000TE Cooled DLaTGS Detector w/KBr Window and Motor X700, NEXUS, MAGNA 470-262700Nicolet X700 NIST 1.5 mil Poly/NG11 Std WheelX700 470-163600Nicolet Nexus NIST 1.5 / 3.0 mil Polystyrene Standards WheelNEXUS & MAGNA 470-167400Nicolet Nexus NPL 1.5 / 3.0 mil Polystyrene Standards WheelNEXUS & MAGNA 699-090500NG11 Glass Standard Field Calibration KitX700 380 / Avatar 840-096800Nicolet Avatar Validation Wheel MountAVATAR 840-161600Nicolet 380 Validation Wheel Mount380 470-262500Nicolet 380 NIST 1.5 mil Poly/NG11 Std Wheel380 470-170300Nicolet Avatar NIST 1.5 / 3.0 mil Polystyrene Standards WheelAVATAR 470-170400Nicolet Avatar NPL 1.5 / 3.0 mil Polystyrene Std WheelAVATAR

13 13 ValPro Standards Manual Standards 840-165500Traceable Polystyrene Dispersive Raman StandardALMEGA & DXR 470-252000Traceable Polystyrene FT-Raman StandardRAMAN MODULES 840-166800Traceable Polystyrene MIR DRIFTS StandardSMART DIFFUSE 840-166700Traceable Polystyrene ATR StandardiTR/ORBIT/PERFORMER 840-166900NIST 1.5 Polystyrene / NG11 Standard Set380 & X700 840-167000NPL 1.5 Polystyrene / NG11 Standard Set380 & X700 470-167500NIST 1.5 / 3.0 mil Polystyrene Standard SetLEGACY FT-IR 831-016400NPL 1.5 / 3.0 mil Polystyrene Standards SetLEGACY FT-IR

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