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First, I should introduce you a computer game. It’s Called League of Legends (LOL). Please ignore strange grammar.

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Presentation on theme: "First, I should introduce you a computer game. It’s Called League of Legends (LOL). Please ignore strange grammar."— Presentation transcript:

1 First, I should introduce you a computer game. It’s Called League of Legends (LOL). Please ignore strange grammar.

2 This game is a “DOTA-like” game. (DOTA means Defense of the Ancients.)

3 The game is set for 2 teams fight. Team 1 Team 2

4 Generally, DOTA-like games use the kind of map like this.

5 Each team starts at opposing sides of a map, near what is called a "Nexus”. To win the game, destroying the other team’s Nexus. Nexus

6 To destroy a Nexus, each team must work through a series of towers called "Turrets". Turrets are often placed along a path to each base referred to as a "Lane". TurretsLanes

7 Nexus Turret Minion Minion, Turret, Nexus in this case.(names will change between different maps)

8 This is what really need help of concept of pattern. Jungle Different from “Lanes”, there is still other area called “Jungle”.

9 In this case, “Jungle” is formed by monsters (golems, lizards, bats and wolfs) and forest paths.

10 All we know Age of Empires can generate random maps. Can we make it’s possible in DOTA-like games? To make this game more fun, I think random maps is a good idea.

11 We use the idea “pattern” to make it possible. “Pattern” ?

12 “Jungle”“Lanes”“Map” Follow what I introduced, a map could be destructed into “Jungle” and “Lanes”.

13 Minions will keep push the battlefront to opposite Nexus to close to victory. Nexus Battlefront turret inhibitor turret minion turret This is the section of a “Lane”. Elements of “Lanes” are always the same, so it will easy to copy. We can form a lane with simple parameters.

14 After we defined the number of “Lanes” we get the framework of a map. In the typical form, map is defined as 3 “Lanes”. And each “Lane” is defined as 3 “Turrets”, 6 “Minions” If you defined as 4 “Lanes”, might like this.

15 Let AI generate new maps by the form of noted grids (any near ones). At first, we cut the map into many grids. (That should be much more grids.) Second, we (server) note the place that AI can make new map base on it. Then link these grids by several patterns.

16 So… we faced two questions, how to decide place in second step, and how can we get patterns to link grids? Let AI generate new maps by the form of noted grids (any near ones). At first, we cut the map into many grids. (That should be much more grids.) Second, we (server) note the place that AI can make new map base on it. Then link these grids by several patterns. And mix it with the framework of “Lanes”.

17 The server can note who deal damage to you, and will show you after you are killed. Of course, we can note how many persons join a battle by this system. We can keep the place battle break out as the places in second step.

18 Each time, when AI generate new maps, new form might be created. I believe AI can follow these patterns to grow trees, bushes, stones… Just like we observe cities, we can find some nodes in maps. This means the system will keep growing, when we keep playing the game.

19 But I don’t know how to write computer language :p So I can just tell you my idea instead of make one for you. THE END

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