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POLITICS AND THE WEB Taster session – Matt Ryan olitics/about/staff/

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1 POLITICS AND THE WEB Taster session – Matt Ryan olitics/about/staff/ ge

2 PUZZLES AND OPPORTUNITIES My colleagues and I in PAIR are interested in  Security – How does the web and its infrastructure reduce or increase collective/societal risks? Migration and new forms of data, transnational communities emerging online.  Public policy - How does the governance of the web vary by political regime? How do governments deliver services online?  Media and mediation – How does (new) media shape and socialise our political attitudes and behaviours? How do political parties win campaigns online and what are effective online engagement strategies for campaigns?  Citizens and democracy – How can citizens increase their control over collective decisions and problem-solving? (the puzzle that most motivates me!) – questions about who participates online and offline (inclusion), how we can share information, what the quality and nature of information is and how it varies, how people communicate (deliberation and competence) etc. etc.  And more…Check us out

3 SOME PROJECTS I AM INVOLVED IN At the core the community of scholars and practitioners A new innovative model of crowdsourcing Decentralization A dynamic method that can auto-update Outcomes: Multiple products for multiple audiences A repository of small qualitative case studies that are directly comparable and tagged and organized (~500 cases) A quantitative database A survey instrument A repository of publications Links to existing datasets

4 People’s Panel and Citizen Science panel.aspx panel.aspx Online longitudinal data collection Linked to citizen social science pilots – the nexus of participation in policymaking and scientific study of society. Also some work with WB comparing online transparency/feedback innovations and response from government.

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