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Ahmet Fuat 11.10.2012 – Bahçe ş ehir University İleri Seviyede Oracle Ön Bellek Mekanizması (Oracle Coherence)

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Presentation on theme: "Ahmet Fuat 11.10.2012 – Bahçe ş ehir University İleri Seviyede Oracle Ön Bellek Mekanizması (Oracle Coherence)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ahmet Fuat SUNGUR @afsungur 11.10.2012 – Bahçe ş ehir University İleri Seviyede Oracle Ön Bellek Mekanizması (Oracle Coherence)

2 Who am i Y.T.U – Computer Engineering I.T.U – Computer Engineering, not completed Since 2008, Turkcell Technology @afsungur

3 Agenda  What is the cache and buffer?  Why we use caches in designing programming?  Oracle Coherence  Features  Demos  Final

4 Buffer Memory  A buffer is a region of a physical memory storage used to temporarily hold data while it is being moved from one place to another.  It is a temporary memory location that is traditionally used because CPU instructions cannot directly address data stored in peripheral devices.

5 Caching  A cache is a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster.

6 Caching  CPU Cache  TLB ( Translation Lookaside Buffer )  Disk Cache  Web Cache  DNS Cache

7 Cache in Programming EMP_IDNAMETEL_NOEMAILADDRESSGENDER 1Ahmet531232afsungur@gmail.comBahçelievler/ İ stM 2Aysel895244aysel@hotmail.comÇankaya/AnkaraF 3Hasan855412hasan@outlook.comLevent/ İ stanbulM 4Veli789621veli@msn.comSarıyer/ İ stanbul M DB EMP_IDNAMETEL_NOGENDER 1Ahmet531232M 3Hasan855412M request response responseresponse requestrequest

8 Oracle Coherence  A variety of caching strategies  Reporting and administrator support via JMX and associated tools  Rich language support via Coherence*Extend  Has no single point of failure  Automatically and transparently fails over and redistributes its clustered data managements services.  Automatically scale up your application when a server added

9 What is Coherence Cluster Node  A Coherence Cluster node  Sometimes referred to as a member or cluster member  Is a java process  Joins a cluster  Is an instance of Coherence server  Can contain data, run processing and serve events  Is often defined by a cache configuration  localstorage.enabled = true => node contains data JVM 1 PID : 5654 NODE 1 JVM 2 PID : 5655 NODE 2 JVM 3 PID : 5656 NODE 3

10 Clustering in Coherence  Using a conference room model  -Dtangosol.coherence.cluster=name  Listening  Discovery  Working Groups and Private Conversation  Death detection  Failed Servers  Failover  Failback

11 Coherence Cache Topology Examples  Local Cache  Replicated Cache JVM Local Cache JVM Replicated Cache JVM Replicated Cache JVM Replicated Cache

12 Coherence Cache Topology Examples  Partitioned Cache ( Distributed Cache )  Near Cache JVM Partitioned Cache JVM Local Cache JVM Partitioned Cache

13 Replicated Cache Animation CUST_IDNAMETEL_NO 1Ahmet Sungur5301112233 2Ay ş e Öz5321112244 1,2 Add a customer 3Mehmet Akar5341234561 3 3 1,2 3 Seamlessly get all cache data and put into in its own cache

14 Partitoned Cache Animation CUST_IDNAMETEL_NO 1Ahmet Sungur5301112233 2Ay ş e Öz5321112244 12 Add a customer 3Mehmet Akar5341234561 3

15 Near Cache Animation 12 34 12 requests 1 from Front cache returns 1 from front cache no need to access back cache 34 requests 2 from Front cache it’s need to access back cache returns 2 from back cache and write it to front cache 2 returns 2 to app From front cache Generally, Local Cache is used for front cache, because of ~0 cost Generally, Partitioned Cache is used for back cache, because of accessing much more data.

16 Near Cache Animation 12 34 12 34 Updates 2 to Front cache 2 Near Cache invalidation strategies  Listen None  Listen Present  Listen All  Listen Auto

17 Failover

18 When data source is involved Read-Through Write-Through Write-Behind Refresh-Ahead Caching

19 Read Through Caching

20 Write Through Caching

21 Write-Behind Caching  Improves application performance  Reduces database load  Insulated from database failures  Linear Scalibility

22 Refresh-Ahead Two parameters Expiration time Refresh-ahead factor Expiration time:60 seconds Refresh Ahead factor :0.5 Database CUST_IDNAMETEL_NOEXPIRATI ON_TIME 1Ahmet Sungur5301112233 13:45:48 2Ay ş e Öz5321112244 13:45:24 Request «1» @13:45:10 48-10>60*05, So no need to reload Request «2» @13:45:15 24-15<60*05 So we need to reload Get object 2 from db put into the cache Got fresh object from db ( obj 2 ) 13:46:15

23 Event and Parallel Processing  Coherence supports two background processing models  Parallel Processing  Events  Map listeners which are called asynchronously after data changes  Map triggers which are called synchronously before data changes

24 Queries and Filters  Coherence supports two query mechanism  A filter mechanism, useful for events and event filters  MapEventFilter  AndFilter, OrFilter  …  A SQL-Like mechanism known as the Coherence Query Language useful for queries against caches  SELECT result-set | * FROM cache-name WHERE conditional-expression  Select * from customers where name like ‘%ap%’  Select max(price) from stocks where lastupdatedate  Select avg(price) from stocks  Insert, update, delete…

25 Demo Time Oracle Virtual Box 4.1 Oracle Enterprise Linux OEPE ( Oracle Enterprise Package for Eclipse ) Oracle Coherence 3.7.1

26 Other Coherence Security Coherence Management Managing and monitoring via JMX Coherence Reporter Coherence*Extend Coherence*Web

27 Summary


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