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CURRENT LABOUR MARKET SITUATION IN MONTENEGRO Božidar Šišević Human Resource Centre, Employment Agency Montenegro Bucharest 6-7 March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "CURRENT LABOUR MARKET SITUATION IN MONTENEGRO Božidar Šišević Human Resource Centre, Employment Agency Montenegro Bucharest 6-7 March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 CURRENT LABOUR MARKET SITUATION IN MONTENEGRO Božidar Šišević Human Resource Centre, Employment Agency Montenegro Bucharest 6-7 March 2009

2 Presentation goal(s)  Introduction to the labour market situation in Montenegro  Qualification structure of the employed  Employers investment into training and specialization of their employees

3 Sample (Employers Survey)  Employers Survey – regular annual survey of the Employment Agency  Survey sample for 2008  Total number of employers 26,000  Employers in the sample 3,049 (~12%)  Total employment at employers who employ additional labour force 131,000  Employment in the sample 106,907 (~82%)  Employers with over 5 employees

4 Main labour market characteristics 1.(Quite) dynamic labour market 2.Around 30,000 registered vacancies 3.Mismatch between labour demand and supply (in further text) 4.Big seasonal oscillation 20 to 30 thousands 5.Unfilled vacancies 10 to 12 thousands 6.Large-scale imports of labour force – non-residents Around 60,000 non-residents in 2008 7.Mismatch in enrolment policy and demand

5 9073106271814027213 TOTAL MONTENEGRO Unfilled vacanc ies Labour outflo w Number newly emplo yed Labour demand (published vacancies) Municipality Main characteristics of employment in 2008 (according to Employers Survey)

6 Employment in 2008 by industries Group activity Demand Newly emp loye d Labour outf lowVacancies A. Agriculture, hunting and forestry2702348736 B. Fishing1571357022 C. Electricity, gas and water production and supply31625616660 D. Construction19461371967575 E. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and devices for personal use and households7584483525912749 F. Manufacturing industry23061432972874 G. Financial brokerage937671169266 H. Real estate, renting and business activities1383904493479 I. Public administration and defense; mandatory social insurance1422802313620 J. Education1334922238412 K. Health care and social work875558508317 L. Other public utility, social and personal services17011097468604 M. Extraterritorial organizations and entities4222 N. Mining and stone extraction3953379458 O. Transportation, storage and communications17771299853478 P. Hotels and restaurants4806328526361521 TOTAL MONTENEGRO2721318140106279073

7 Employment in 2008 by industries and unfilled vacancies

8 Mismatch at labour market by educational levels Unfilled vacanc ies Job seekers as of 31.12.08. Vacancies at EAM register in 2008 I and II educational level543632813865 III educational level1517833627763 IV and V educational level777298216936 VI, VII and VIII educational level64713927495

9 Mismatch at the labour market by educational levels

10 Training and specialization



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