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Five Year Health and Human Service Public Transportation Plan Update SEPT 2015 TO FEB 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Five Year Health and Human Service Public Transportation Plan Update SEPT 2015 TO FEB 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Five Year Health and Human Service Public Transportation Plan Update SEPT 2015 TO FEB 2017

2 Three Phases  Inventory of Transportation Resources (Sep ’15- Feb ‘16)  Comprehensive Needs Assessment & Gap Analysis (Feb ‘16- Aug ‘16)  Plan Creation (Sep ’16- Feb ‘17)

3 Inventory of Transportation Resources (Sep ’15- Feb ‘16)  What infrastructure and programs currently exist in the region?  To what extent do these exist?  Public, Private, Non-Profit  Vehicles  Personnel availability  Means of gathering info: Written surveys, Visits (Interviews), In-House Research.  Great resource to start and build from 

4 Comprehensive Needs Assessment & Gap Analysis (Feb ‘16- Aug ‘16)  Analyzing inventory  Identify differences in inventory  Identify needs of communities/groups  Compare to other communities, regions, states

5 Plan Creation (Sep ’16- Feb ‘17)  Develop goals and objectives based upon inventory and gaps  Meet with committees, stakeholders, local officials  Based upon goals and objectives, develop potential solutions for gaps  Develop alternatives for solutions based upon various scenarios  Draft and Review Chapters  Release to the public; Carry out goals laid out in plan. (Feb ’17 thru 2021)

6 Questions to ask throughout the process….  Can the goal or objective be reached?  How will this goal affect the future (5-10-20 yrs…)  How do we increase exposure and promotion of transit?  How can we keep people engaged and energized through this process, and duration of the plan?

7 Next Steps (Fall ‘15)  Create and distribute surveys to county governments, city governments, health and human service agencies, public.  Collect and tabulate data  Create inventory report

8 Purpose of the Workgroup  Meetings will generally occur bi-monthly, but subject to change given progress  Will be given an update by staff regarding progress at each meeting  Members are asked to provide input to the process as local/ regional stakeholders

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